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(Upon reaching home, Taehyung was brimmed with happiness and excitement, elated that he no longer had to juggle multiple part-time jobs for meager pay. He had secured a job that reflected his hard work and dedication.)

Taehyung entered his home and saw his grandmother. He hugged her tightly, as if his entire life depended on her presence and affection.

Taehyung's grandmother laughed, saying, "Tae...bear...let go, I can no longer breathe... not like that...."

As they separated, Taehyung exclaimed gleefully, "Guess what, Grandma! I've been selected!"

His grandmother's heart swelled with happiness as she watched him dance around cheerfully.

The sudden doorbell chimed, interrupting their moment. Taehyung scurried to open the door, and there stood Jennie, elegantly dressed. They hugged each other, and Taehyung exclaimed excitedly, "Guess what... guess what!" His eyes widened in anticipation as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Jennie's face lit up as she heard Taehyung's news. "Oh my gosh," she exclaimed, "you got selected! I knew it... I knew it! How about we celebrate tonight at a club that's near our café? It just recently opened. What do you say?"

Taehyung turned to look at his grandmother with pleading puppy eyes and a pouty face, silently requesting permission to go clubbing.

Initially, his grandmother frowned and shook her head, but after seeing his adorable puppy eyes, she relented and nodded apprehensively. "Okay," she sighed, "you can go, but return home early. Don't drink any alcohol, as you can't handle it. Oh, and I have to pack your luggage and other necessities because you will be moving into your new apartment tomorrow."

(So let me tell you taehyung will stay in apartment that is near of his office and jimin also lived in that apartment so they will be neighbours as daegu is so much far from Seoul and have a big distance in btw them so it is so much difficult for taehyung to travel every day and thats why tae's grandmother has pack tae luggage for it.)

Taehyung smiled widely and hugged his grandmother, responding, "Okay, Your Highness," he quipped. "I'll take care of myself and come back early."

Turning towards Jennie, Taehyung added, "Jennie, you can sit here for a bit. I'll be out in 15 minutes, and then we can head out together."

Jennie settled down on the living room couch and nonchalantly stated, "Don't worry about me... just get yourself ready, and we still have plenty of time before we leave."

Taehyung nodded in response and started heading upstairs toward his room to prepare himself.

[After some time near 8:35 taehyung come downstairs while dressing up like that👇]

[After some time near 8:35 taehyung come downstairs while dressing up like that👇]

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(Thats how tae dress up)

Taehyung's grandmother emerged from the kitchen after preparing his dinner, as she preferred homemade meals over outside food. She glanced at taehyung and said, "Oh...my god, my baby has really grown up so much."

With a tender expression, she placed a gentle peck on his fluffy hair.

Taehyung chuckled and hugged his grandmother tightly, replying, "That's right, I'm a big boy now, granny. Don't worry about me too much, and make sure to sleep early because you have to wake up early tomorrow for my first day at the office."

Jennie chimed in, rising from the couch and gently embracing Taehyung's grandmother. "Ok, ok, now let's go, Tae bear. We also have to go to the restaurant for dinner before we head to the club, right?"

" ok now both of you go and try to come early "

(With that taehyung and jennie take off their leave from taehyung's house. time skip from restaurant to night club)

When Jennie and Tae entered the club, they were met with a completely different environment. On the dance floor, boys and girls were dancing like there was no tomorrow, some fully drunk while others just slightly intoxicated. Some were drinking alcohol in the designated area, and others were engaged in various games. A few were seen making out.

Ignoring the surrounding activity, they made their way towards the drink corner and took seats at a stools.

Tae called out to a nearby bartender, who appeared to have been admiring him. "Hey, can you serve us some drinks?"

The bartender promptly placed two glasses of alcohol on the table, but before Tae could even take a sip, Jennie intervened. She grabbed his hand firmly and firmly stated, "Tae, what about what granny told you? She asked you not to drink because you can't handle it, and now look at you."

Taehyung made a sorrowful expression, but Jennie didn't seem to notice as she turned to the bartender and stated, "Please take those back and prepare a dealcoholized wine instead."

The bartender gave them a disinterested look before procuring a bottle of dealcoholized wine and serving them.

After some time, Taehyung and Jennie resumed dancing on the dance floor, allowing their bodies to move in sync with the music, fully immersed in their own world. Unaware of their surroundings, they failed to notice the intense gaze of someone watching them, particularly fixed on Taehyung with a sinister smirk.

Exhausted from dancing, they finally made their way back to their previous spots and sank into their chairs, catching their breath.

Both Taehyung and Jennie were sitting together and engaging in conversation when a boy suddenly appeared and tapped Taehyung's shoulder, prompting him to turn and glance back.

A look of bewilderment spread across Taehyung's face. The boy spoke, asking, "Do you remember me?"

Taehyung stared at the boy in disbelief, a mix of frustration and annoyance on his face. He retorted with a hint of sarcasm, "Do I look like a fool to you? Are you trying to fool me?

The boy was wearing black jeans, matching black shoes, a black shirt, and a jacket, covering most of his body. Only his eyes could be seen, as his forehead was hidden beneath his bangs, and the lower half of his face was obscured by a mask.

Suddenly, Taehyung's phone rang, and the caller ID displayed his grandmother's name. He picked up the phone and responded, "I'm coming in 10 minutes." He then abruptly excused himself from Jennie's company and left.

The boy remained staring at Taehyung's diminishing figure, a sinister smirk playing on his lips. He spoke, a hint of menace in his voice.

"It's a shame that you didn't even recognize my voice... but no matter. We will meet soon, Kim Taehyung, and I'll make sure you recognize me."

Thanks for giving ur time to my story
I know its kinda boring and cringe but
I will try to improve it.

Love u all💜💝

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