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In Jeon Jungkook cabin

Taehyung, standing in front of his rude boss, listens with his head low as his boss berates him. He knows better than to speak up, not wanting to escalate the situation and further anger his boss. Taehyung silently endures the scolding, his expression one of obedience and submission.

Jungkook scoffs sarcastically, his words laced with mockery. "I bet you didn't come here for work, did you, Mr. 'Punctual'?"

Jungkook continues, his voice growing furious. "Having fun checking out the men in my company, aren't you?"

Jungkook's glare intensifies as his anger bubbles up, fueled by Taehyung's hesitation and delayed response. His voice booms loudly.


Taehyung, feeling the heat of the situation, quickly tries to explain himself, his voice shaky with nervousness.

"S...sorry sir, but I didn't mean it like that," he stutters, desperately attempting to appease his angry boss.

Jungkook's expression turns colder as he presses for a satisfactory explanation.

"Oh really?" he seethes. "Then what did you mean?"

Taehyung stammers nervously, struggling to find the right words.

"Well...it's just... um..." he trails off, his mind racing to come up with a convincing explanation.

Jungkook's impatience grows, his voice demanding and authoritative.

"Yeah... It's just... speak!" he commands, wanting an immediate and explicit response.

Taehyung falters, his nervousness and fear apparent in his hesitation.

"I.. was.. umm.. just..." he stutters, unable to form a coherent explanation under Jungkook's intense gaze.

Jungkook takes a deep breath, his frustration tempered by Taehyung's adorable pout. His tone softens slightly.

"I don't think you'll be able to speak today," he mutters, his eyes softening as he sees the pout on Taehyung's lips, unaware of how it's affecting him.

"Sorry," Taehyung whispers, the single word barely audible, his pout only intensifying.

Jungkook sighs in response to Taehyung's confession.

"Alright, tell me," he begins, adjusting his position in his chair. "Did you complete the file, or how much is still pending?"

His voice is steady, but the edge of disappointment is evident.

"I ...umm..have to start it..y..yet" Taehyung said shuttering and preparing himself for his boss up coming anger.

"Huh..ok take ur things and file here , u will complete it in front of me" jungkook said while motioning Taehyung to go.

"But si-"

"Did I ask ur opinion, go fast" jungkook said sternly and taehyung rushed from there to his cabin.

After 10 min

Taehyung is sitting on sofa while a laptop on his lap and some paper around him and doing the given work. Jungkook is sitting on his table and looking at taehyung. jungkook tries to resist the temptation to stare at Taehyung, forcing his gaze away. However, his eyes keep drifting back to Taehyung's face without his permission. He scolds himself internally for his weakness and vulnerability, struggling to maintain his composure. Jungkook secretly admires Taehyung's beauty, captivated by his soft features. He knows that admiring Taehyung's rosy lips would only lead to complicated emotions, but his curiosity takes over. Just as he manages to tear his gaze away, Jungkook's eyes flicker back to Taehyung, only to find that Taehyung is about to look back.

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