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It was another picturesque morning at the Jeon Corporation, and Taehyung was strolling through the building, impeccably dressed and ready for work. As he passed the cafeteria, his gaze was drawn to Dannie, who was seated in a corner, seemingly enjoying her breakfast alone. Feeling a desire to pay her a visit, Taehyung approached her. Upon his approach, Dannie looked up and flashed a warm and sweet smile towards Taehyung.

"Hey, what's up man"

"Yeah like always, but did you saw jimin?" Taehyung said while sitting next to her.

"No, what why? Did he came early today?"dannie said while munching sandwich.

Taehyung explained, "He didn't come back last night and called me on the phone to say that he would be staying in his office due to work-related matters and wouldn't be able to return". Following this declaration, Taehyung and Dannie exchanged knowing glances, each of them raising an eyebrow and making an expression that hinted at some amusement or suspicion.

Dannie inquired, her slender finger gesturing in Taehyung's direction, "Are you thinking the same thing as I am? Are we on the same page?" The implication in her tone was obvious, suggesting that both of them had suspicions about the nature of jimin's absence.

"It seems like our minds are in sync," Taehyung declared with a hint of suspicion, his voice adopting a tone of an astute detective. "Something's amiss; he's keeping us in the dark. I sense there's more to the story than meets the eye. We must uncover the truth."

Dannie chimed in, her fingers tapping lightly against her head as if in thought. "I think there's something going on between him and his caty face boss". The concern in her voice was evident as she articulated her suspicions aloud.

Taehyung added with faux shock, "What if they're actually in a relationship and he's keeping it from us? I can't even imagine it! It would be like a plot twist in a K-drama."

Dannie continued with exaggerated drama, clutching her chest in mock surprise. "Oh my goodness, what if they're already secretly married? It would be like a scandal straight out of a juicy tabloid!"

Taehyung continued his dramatic charade, wiping away an imaginary tear. "Oh my goodness, what if they even have a child? That's unthinkable! How could they keep that little baby away from his favorite uncle?" His voice was filled with mock melodrama.

Dannie reassured Taehyung, standing up and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Tae, we will definitely meet that precious little soul soon. We'll fight for our rights as uncles and shower them with all the love and attention!" Her voice was filled with determination and playful assertiveness.

With a shared determination, Taehyung stood up alongside Dannie. They simultaneously raised their hands into the air and declared in unison, "Right, we will fight together!"


Caught up in the moment, Taehyung and Dannie suddenly realized that they had attracted the attention of those around them, with a few people whispering to each other and giving them strange looks. Quickly, they offered apologetic bows and nervous smiles to the onlookers before clearing their throats awkwardly and continuing on to their respective workstations.


Taehyung was updating Jungkook about his schedule, explaining to him that he only had one meeting scheduled with Choi Industry, but even that had been rescheduled to another day since the CEO had an important matter to attend to.

Jungkook instructed, "Take this file, it's currently only half complete. I expect you to complete it before lunchtime. It shouldn't take too much time, understood?"

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