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It was another day  in jeon corporation and everyone is busy in there on work. Taehyung was also making coffee for his boss. Than he made his way toward jungkook cabin after finish making coffee and knock on the door and hear a 'come in' with that he go inside.

"Hey bub" jungkook said looking up at taehyung with his bunny smile making taehyung smile too.

"Hey kookie" Taehyung said flashing his boxy smile and place the cup of coffee on table and stand in front of table.

"But I dont want coffee" jungkook said looking at the coffee cup than again at taehyung whose eyes are wide after hearing that.

"Yah, how can u say that, u know how much energy and time I have waste on ur coffee and now u dont want coffee." Taehyung said coming near jungkook and stand in front of him with both hands on his hips and raising a eyebrow.

"..umm..did I tell u why I dont want it ?" Jungkook said leaning backward or just sitting comfortably on his chair.

"Yes, fast" Taehyung said but a yelp leave his mouth when he was pulled by jungkook on his laps. His cheeks heat up when jungkook hug him from back and put his face on Taehyung shoulder. Now Taehyung can feel jungkook breathe on his neck making him feel tinglish.

"Because I was missing u and want to see ur beautiful face. Dont u miss me?" Jungkook ask Taehyung giggle softly and shake his head as no making jungkook pout.

"Dont even a bit" jungkook ask and taehyung again shake his head as no in reply.

"Now u can leave, I have work and thanks for coffee" jungkook said and back away from hug letting Taehyung go. Taehyung stand up and said " u sure?"

Jungkook nodded but later a smile place on his lips when taehyung sit on his laps again and hug him tightly and giggle softly. "I was joking u dumb bunny" Jungkook laugh at the remark and was going to says something when a knock intrepeted them. Taehyung stand up immediately and stand straight making jungkook groan in frustration on the person ,who interpreted them.

Jungkook sit straight and said in frustrated and cold voice "come in". A girl came with something in her hands and jungkook become more frustrated because the girl was non other than aeri. Who smile sweetly and sit on one of the chair.

" hi jungkookie" aeri said sweetly than look at taehyung who is standing beside  Jungkook and said in fake sweet voice "hi Taehyung" Taehyung also fake smile and said a little hi in return when there jungkook is sitting in his cold and poker face.

"So why u came?" Jungkook asked in cold tone getting straight to the point .

"Jungkookie, I am sorry for whatever happen in past, u know I'm  not like that ,I love u from my whole heart and I sincerely apologize for my behaviour in the party, it was I just a little drunk and that wont happen again I promise ,plz forgive me" aeri said apologizing to jungkook who have same look on his face.

"Ok" this is word only word Jungkook said making aeri smile. Aeri place a box of chocolate cookies on table.

"This is a sorry gift, plz accept it I know u love it"

"I-" jungkook was going to say something but got cut by aeri pleading.

"I-" jungkook was going to say something but got cut by aeri pleading

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