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Third update today enjoy ;)


Taehyung stood in front of his apartment, still basking in the blissful happiness that lingered from the day's unexpected events. A smile tugged at his lips, as he recalled the sight of the different side of Jungkook – a soft, bunny-like person seeking genuine love.

He couldn't help but smile wide, his endearing boxy smile refusing to leave his face. The memories of their encounters replayed in his mind, each memory fueling the warm, fuzzy feeling within his chest.

Taehyung entered his room, humming a tune under his breath. As his eyes alighted on the note stuck to the mirror, a sense of confusion washed over him. Despite his initial hesitation, he gingerly pulled it down, his heart rate increasing as he started reading the words written on it.

The more he read, the more he felt his stomach churn with fear. A chilling realization dawned upon him, the connection between the person who had called him and the person behind this note becoming all too apparent.

Taehyung's mind raced with thoughts as he stared at the note clutched in his trembling hands. Confusion and fear gripped him like a vise.

Questions swirled in his mind, a frantic chorus of "What does he want?" and "Why is he stalking me?" echoing through his thoughts. He racked his brain for answers, his heart pounding louder with each passing moment.

There was written in red ink that:-

"Hlo, kitten
Miss me ...ok look at ur night stand there is a love latter for u."

Taehyung moved to his nightstand, his hands shaking slightly as he spotted a white piece of paper lying on the surface. With bated breath, he picked it up and began to read the words inked upon it.

The letter, ↓↓

"Dearest Kitten,

I know you must be longing for my presence. But don't worry, we will be together soon. I've been watching you, enjoying your existence without me. Yet, you prevailed in your struggle, didn't you? You're such an impressive being.

But worry not, I will whisk you away from this cruel world into a realm where only you and I exist."

Ur soon-to-be-husband
Or also nightmare"

Taehyung's heart raced as the familiar unknown number appeared on his screen, the sound of the ringtone filling the room like an eerie omen. First two times he cut the call but when it rung third time then with shaky hands, he took a deep breath, willing himself to find the courage to answer the call.

Each ring echoed through his mind, making his heart thump relentlessly against his chest. Finally, with a trembling hand, he picked up the call, his voice shaking as he uttered a hesitant "Hello?"

Taehyung's body froze as the chilling voice echoed through the phone, its sinister tone sending shivers down his spine. The words, "You really have so much courage to cut my call, don't you, Kitten?" echoed in his ears, making his entire body feel numb with fear.

He swallowed hard, summoning every ounce of bravery he could muster to respond, his voice trembling as he uttered, "Who... who are you?"

"I already told u in 'love letter' kitten but for u let me tell u again, ur nightmare or daddy"Taehyung's heart pounded louder as the man's laughter echoed through the phone, a sinister and taunting sound. The words "Your nightmare or daddy" sent shivers down his spine, each syllable dripping with a dark possessiveness.

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