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In kim taehyung apartment

Taehyung emerged from the shower, his hair still damp from the warm water. He glanced at the clock - 7:20 pm. He had spent the entire day catching up on sleep, having been deprived of it over the past few days and even weeks.

Knowing Jimin was still at work, Taehyung reached over to the neatly folded outfit his friend had selected for the business party. He began getting dressed, the soft fabric of the shirt gliding over his skin.

Taehyung took a moment to admire the dress before hastily getting dressed. He couldn't help but feel a flicker of confidence as he looked himself in the mirror, noting that the outfit complemented him well.

After quickly tidying his hair and applying a subtle touch of makeup, Taehyung glanced at the clock once more - 7:47 pm. He was ready to head out, feeling a mix of anticipation and exhaustion.

Taehyung took the opportunity to relax for a few minutes, sinking into the couch and scrolling on his phone as he waited for Jungkook's arrival.

Caught up in browsing the internet, he wasn't aware of how much time had passed until his phone rang with a call. He glanced at the time - 8:02 pm. Jungkook was on the line, his voice cutting through the silence.

Taehyung responded to the call, his voice carrying a touch of nervousness. "Hello, sir. Understood, I'll be downstairs in a moment."

He hurriedly ended the call, taking one last glance in the mirror to ensure he looked presentable before grabbing his belongings and heading out the door.

Outside, he spotted Jungkook waiting by the car, his gaze fixed on the entrance. Taehyung approached him quickly, his heart pounding slightly.

Taehyung couldn't help but feel a mixture of admiration and trepidation as he gazed at Jungkook waiting for him. Dressed in a striking black suit, his boss exuded an aura of authority and sophistication. Taehyung's thoughts were momentarily derailed as he took in the sight before him. Despite his earlier reservations, he couldn't deny the stirring of feelings within him, though he quickly shook them away, reminding himself that Jungkook was nothing more than his boss.

 Despite his earlier reservations, he couldn't deny the stirring of feelings within him, though he quickly shook them away, reminding himself that Jungkook was nothing more than his boss

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