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Jungkook is still hugging the sobbing boy, who is now a little bit better than before.

"K..k..kookie h..he w..w..will take me a..away a..and will b..beat m..me, I dont w..wanna g..go to h..him I didn't do a..anything w..wrong, I am g..g..good boy " Taehyung said in shaky voice because of crying that much.

"No no bub, nobody will take u away, i wont let anyone ,you are my brave boy right?"Jungkook said softly while still hugging the boy to his chest.

" I..iam brave b..boy" Taehyung said backing away from hug and looking at jungkook.

" yes, my brave boy, now lets eat something while watching a movie" jungkook said and than lean to Taehyung who close his eyes and wait for that soft lips who touch his both puffy and red eyes and than on nose make him smile softly.

"U sit here love, I will take our dinner here ok, than we both will watch a movie together ok" jungkook said trying to came out of Taehyung hold but taehyung had held him way too tight like he will flew away. He also have learner that when the younger is scared or traumrized he become really clingy and he can understand that and he isnt complaining he also love that. But he also have to find out the unknown man and also that what does he meant by second meet ,its mean that he have met taehyung before also and also in not so good terms. He shake his head at the thought and look at the clingy bear and pick him up like koala and make his way toward kitchen for dinner.

After some time here Taehyung and jungkook are sitting on bed ,taehyung more like leaning and sitting on Jungkook while watching a movie. He didn't let Jungkook move a bit away from him and now they are cuddling on bed in warm blankets and watching a movie. After some time movie came to an end and Jungkook move his gaze from movie to his winter bear who is sleeping soundly while clutching on his shirt tightly with a little bit pouty lips. Jungkook take a sigh and try to came out of younger hold, after a lot of difficulty he came out and place a pillow on his place and taehyung immediately hug him close to his chest and again goes to his dreamland. Jungkook walk out of the room into living room and dialed a number.

After some rings the phone got picked.

"Hello, hyung sorry for disturbance but I have an important work" jungkook said being all serious.


"Hyung like I have told u about a man who is stalking taehyung and giving threats to him and today again he send a letter, and he is really terrified so plz try to come fast as I really need ur help I cant do that alone u know ryt"

"I will try too...u also dont take too much stress as we have already order our men to research on it but the person is clever enough to dont leave any evidence behind"

"Yeah..I will also try to talk to Taehyung as I think they have met before so yeah"

"Yeah..ok then now let me go to my love they are wining for my attention poor pillow and bed"

"Yeah..yeah say hi to them and bye hyung"

Like that they cut the phone and jungkook also came in bedroom and sleep while cuddling taehyung.

It was a beautiful morning, birds are chirping and sun is shining and the warm rays of sun is falling on two sleepy beauties. But the alarm being alarm didn't want the beauties to sleep in peace and start ringing making jungkook groan and open his eyes but close immediately because of the sun rays and than again slowly open and rub them to clear his vision and shut the alarm while taehyung just whine and move closer to jungkook.

Jungkook place his elbow on the soft matress and adjust his face on his standing elbow hand, thought to admire the beauty inside him for sometime who know when will he get the chance again, and start looking at the sleeping silver haired boy, whose face is half pressed again the soft matress causing his lips to apart a bit leaving cute snores ,with his long eye lashes falling on his cute little chubby cheeks. Younger have his arm wrapped around the older boy waist while his one leg on older both legs.

It will be a lie if jungkook say he didn't become more happier after the silver haired boy have step in his life and bring joy in it. Jungkook never know that he will fell in love with a boy that is sleeping next to him or care about anyone like that and came running just by a call or will panic just by hearing cracked voice of other, or someone smile will make his day or that smile that he love so much and can do anything to bring it on the sleeping boy, or someone cute giggles will become music to his face or someone can make his heart skip just by doing nothing, or someone that one single tear can make his heart clench. Jungkook dont know what is happening with him but he know he is falling, falling harder for the silver haired boy, but this time he dont wanna push the happiness away from him just because of past, he is enjoying the unusual or some new feeling, that emotions that he is feeling towards the younger boy and he will fight for the world for this boy but not let anyone touch or hurt him because he is now his, he is now jeon's.

After looking at the sleeping boy that much jungkook felt creepy so he decide to take a shower and get ready for office. Jungkook then came out of taehyung hold smoothly by again placing a pillow on his place and making his way towards bathroom.

After some time, here jungkook is waking up taehyung from past 10 minutes.

"Bub, wakey wakey its time for up, see sun is shining and birds is telling u to wake up" jungkook said shaking a bit to sleepy boy by his shoulder who just whine and turn his face other side.

"Cub, wake up its really late now" jungkook said trying again to up the sleepy boy who just covered him with blanket.

"Now its enough, wakie wakie now be a good boy and go take a shower" jungkook said pulling the blanket and folding it than put it in his place. Than look at the sleepy head.

Taehyung is sitting on bed hugging the pillow while rubbing his eyes to make the sleep go away.

"I wanna sleep more" taehyung whined.

"First see time than talk" jungkook said standing straight while his arms folding on his chest while being full dress up in office clothes.

Taehyung turn his phone on and look at time but immediately widen his sleepy eyes as the time was 7:37. He started running toward bathroom for his morning routine.

"U WOULD HAVE WOKE ME UP EARLY, NOW I WILL BE LATE U COCONUT HEAD" taehyung said from bathroom making jungkook shake his head in disbelief 'coconut head' seriously.


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Love u all 💜💝

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