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"Bub..look at me..I am sorry I will never do that again....just forgive me last time."here Jeon jungkook most feared mafia king and the cold and rude CEO of Jeon corporation is pleading in front of his boyfriends to forgive him who was ignoring him like he didn't even exist and continued drinking his strawberry shake.

"So you will not forgive me?...I told you it was really urgent or I have never left without informing you...I never thought my little boyfriend will become that much heartless-*pause after seeing tae's glare than continue with a nervous chuckle* i mean my thoughtful boyfriend" the CEO said showing his doe eyes to his boyfriend with a pout on his lips but soon got replace with a poker face after seeing that the waiter is approaching as they were in a restaurant.

"Sir do you want something else"the waiter said who was looking like in his early twenties specially looking at taehyung who was busy in drinking his shake but soon shaked his head making his hair bounce left right.

"Didn't you hear he said no" than jungkook stood up pulling the waiter towards him through his collar and said in a whisper with warning tone" keep your disgusting eyes away from my boyfriend or I won't hesitate to pluck them out"than leave him with a push making him stumble on his feet .

The waiter nodded scaredly and left from there. taehyung look at his boyfriend who was looking at him with a innocent smile like he didn't threat someone a second ago.

"What do you say to him" the silver head asked suspiciously.

"What! I don't said anything ...you tell me you wanna go anywhere or wanna buy anything?"

"No I don't "

"Ok than let's go home bub..it's already so late" jungkook said standing up from his seat and settling his clothes a little.

"I am still mad at you" taehyung said with angry pout on his lips and a cute glare towards the black haired male.

"But you just talked to me....you said you will not talk with me until you are mad but just now you did ...so it's mean you are not mad" jungkook said explaning his boyfriend like he was explaining a math problem.

"No I am still mad at you...it was just because I want to confirm that you didn't threatened the poor waiter"

"What do you mean by poor waiter..that fucker was literally eyeing you...you should be thankful that he didn't lose his job...and his eyes"jungkook said last words in whisper so taehyung don't hear it.

While taehyung just shake his head. It was nothing new from him.

"Ok I forgive you" taehyung said with a smile and soon got engulfed in a bone cracking hug by his boyfriend.

"Thankyou baby...thanks so much...for forgiving this idiot"

"But there is something I want to tell to bub...its a little shocking for you but I wanna clear everything " jungkook said in serious voice making taehyung gulp a little bit nodding his head nevertheless.

"First let's sit ..do we" jungkook said sitting on his chair pulling his lover too with him on his laps.

Taehyung cheeks gone red by now as he look at his surroundings. He don't know why he is feeling so shy suddenly. "Kookie I can sit on the chair"

Taehyung said trying to come out of his boyfriend grip who just tighten it more but not that much so that's hurt his love.

"Bub sit still ... don't move " jungkook said while graoning a little as the younger was sitting top on his junior.

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