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My mother was a prostitute for the Viper's Mc. She slept with whatever member that would let her. She never used protection it seemed because thus I was born. Growing up, I never knew who my father was. Everyone has their thoughts or suspicions but no one knew for sure. It's not like it mattered anyways because they were just as bad as my mother. She was a drunk and a druggie. If it wasn't for a sweet younger bunny, my mother would have left me in the club. Our neighbors watched me as well because mother always seem to forget she had a child. When she died when I was eighteen; it didn't bother me one bit. I didn't cry over her grave. I didn't mourn her death. It was like she was a stranger to me.

Who cries for a stranger?

Not me.

No one in Vander would hire me due to the fact they knew who I was and who my mother happened to be. No one wanted to take a chance with the club's prostitute's broken daughter. They expected me to be like my mother which I was far from. Every step and every path I took or tried to take each lead me straight to place I was conceived at....

The Viper's MC.

I needed a job and this was the only place that would hire me. I shook my ass on poles, waited the tables, bartended, and prayed to God I would figure out who my father was. One thing I never done was sell my body for sex. Hell, at the time I didn't even touch any of the members; except to hand them their money for their drinks. That is until my eyes landed on Duke. His eyes were instantly on me. I never thought I'd get the attention of the VP but there I was in his line of sight. For months we flirted that didn't lead to anywhere. I had the small nagging in the back of my head that said don't jump. But, one night I threw everyone's warnings out the windows, the door, and down the drains. I let him take me to his room and my virginity went out the door that night. At first it wasn't an everyday thing. It was a once in the blue moon type of deal. I didn't think I would have emotions connected at the end. But, after a while emotions forms and everyone knew I was his to fuck, his to touch, and his to look at. He never claimed me as his Ol' Lady like I had expected him to do. For two years we were us... Like a relationship type of situation. I hadn't expected Duke to break my heart like he done. But, he waltz into the clubhouse with his ex. His high school sweetheart. And my false hope shattered when his arm went around her. He didn't spare me a second glance. Didn't care if a member grabbed my ass. He just threw me to the side and carried on where they left off. In the end, I was broken. Completely shattered to tiny pieces. He gotten down on one knee months later and what was shattered of me became obliterated into microscopic pieces. Right after their engagement, I found out I was pregnant. I was terrified I had done damage to my child due to the heavy drinking I had done. I knew who their father was but no one else knew. I played it off as a one night stand. Five months later I gave birth to McKenzie. At first she didn't favor him but when she hit four months, I knew I had to leave Vander. For one I couldn't let Vander or the Viper's corrupt my little girl. Her eyes became like his... Sky blue eyes shine bright like his. Her soft blonde curls and her little button nose was exactly like Duke's. I finally asked the President if I could leave to give Mac a better life; which he granted. He wasn't a complete asshole not like Duke at least. I loaded up my dented and banged up car and headed an hour away to Ashby where it decided to die at. Funny enough she croaked at Mac's Bar. A friendly old couple asked if I was passing through. I simply pointed to the old beater up and said no. They noticed Mac and immediately offered me the apartment above the bar. They also offered me a bartending job which I took both offers. It was a job to feed Mac and it was a roof over her head. The older lady offered to even babysit Mac on my workdays because she also babysits her grandson as well. She would not take any money I offered; rent was free and she would babysit free of charge. This couple was my miracle from above.

That is until Bear walked in with all his glory. He became my blessing in disguise that I didn't know I needed.

Sneak peek on the prequel of Creed Mc series. This story will be updated regularly Dec 1st. Until then read Reaper's War, Kai's Downfall, and Rise of the Dragon.

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