Chapter 8: MC's Princess Party

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We stayed the night with Bryant which we have done a lot lately. McKenzie has her own room in his house. He had it decorated on the rare occasions his parents 'couldn't' watch McKenzie. It has been decked out in Princess themed everything. Much like his parents home. We both had woken up earlier this morning but two hours later we are finally untangling from the sheets. We both creep into her bedroom and Bryant grabs her out of her crib. I walk out and head to our rambunctious two year old's room. Kaiser is rubbing his eyes as I walk through his door.

"Party time Mummy?" Kaiser's sleepy voice sounds in the room.

"Almost my Little Prince. How about breakfast first then we'll all get changed?" I tell my son. Kai does his 'mummy pick me up hands' and like the mommy I am I pick up my big boy. Bryant already has food made by the time we come down the stairs. McKenzie is in her high chair smashing her scrambled eggs. I place Kaiser in his chair as Bryant places our son's food on the table. Kaiser already has a piece of bacon in one hand and a sausage link in the other. Taking a bite from each hand. By the time I have taken my seat next to a munching Kaiser; my plate is already in front of me. Bryant grabs sits now next to Mac and like usual... He waits for me to eat before he begins to eat. That's been his thing since the beginning... Well, before the beginning. I asked why he waits for me to eat and his answer was simple. "My Queen eats first before I take my first bite." I could marry this man and his thoughtfulness.

After breakfast, Bryant grabs ahold of Kaiser and takes him into his room. I grab Mac and head off towards her room. Her birthday dress is already laid out on her dressing table. I change her now dirty diaper and put a clean one on her. I put on her pink onesie that has gold cursive writing across the front. Next is her long tutu pink skirt. Once I brush out her curly blonde hair, I place the matching crown on her head. Her small pink ballet flats are on her feet. I asked Bryant why the crown and he said because his princess deserves a damned crown. So the crown has to stay. I walk out the door with a walking McKenzie in front of me.

"Dadddddaaaa!" Her voice bellows out for her father.

"In your brother's room princess." Bryant calls out to our screaming daughter. It's funny how McKenzie is a daddy's girl while Kaiser is a mama's boy. How the roles reversed as they had gotten older. I watch as Mac baby runs to Kaiser's room. I walk in behind her and see Kaiser in his little outfit. Kaiser has on a shirt the same shade as McKenzie's dress. His legs are covered in black jeans and his feet have his combat boots on. He has his toddler leather jacket on and his hair is in a small toddler man bun.

I'm surprised Bryant hasn't looked on the back of Kaiser's shirt. I mean the letters are in big bold lettering. Same lettering as McKenzie. I watch the kids as Bryant changes into his same pink shirt as Mac's dress. When he comes out, my legs have gone wobbly. How can this man get anymore handsome? We switch and now he's the one watching the hellions as I change into my light pink flowy dress and gold sandals. My hair is down and straight. Not an ounce of makeup is on my face. With all of us dressed, we head for the truck. Getting to the clubhouse is a breeze considering the VP lives directly behind it on the property. We grab the children from their seats and walk them around the back gate. They have everything set up perfectly. All the other children are already here and in matching colors as McKenzie. Now that I didn't have planned but they each look adorable. As soon as Draven sees McKenzie he quits jabber away with Atticus. He runs full speed ahead as McKenzie baby runs towards him.

If I didn't know any better, I swear they're going to be high school sweethearts.

The party flies by and McKenzie has opened 90 percent of her presents. The one she wants to open, she can't yet. When the time comes for that present; Kaiser has his jacket off and his back away from his father. McKenzie shreds the golden wrapper off the box and pulls out a shirt. As she turns it around to face Bryant, Kaiser turns around so his father can read the back of his shirt.

"Big Brother." Is read which doesn't look like much. When McKenzie turns her shirt around, the words on her shirt is visible for the world to see.

"Big Sister." Is in big bold letters. I watch as Jolene and Lilith are taking pictures. Bryant's mouth is hung open as he reads each of their shirts over and over again.

"You are?! No way. Seriously?" Bryant rambles on.

"Yes. We're expanding the family by one." I answer. I'm immediately swooped up into his arms as he cries happy tears. My own eyes begin to water as I watch how happy Bryant is over having another little one bouncing around.

Little did I know or any of us know, one wasn't happening. Because one wasn't the right number.

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