Chapter 3: Meow

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The crowd gets a little bigger as the night goes on. Every so often I can feel eyes on me. When I look around the crowded bar, Bear is the one staring me down. He doesn't have a mean look on his face when I catch it; it's more of a curious look. Like he's trying to figure me out which won't be easy to do. I've learned to mask my emotions and guard my heart better than before. Each time I catch him staring at me, he always seems to send me a panty dropping smile. In return, he would get a real smile not the fake ones I'm used to doing. Smiling feels like a foreign thing to do. So much so, that sometimes I feel like I look like Cheshire Cat more than anything. Which to me would be traumatizing to see. I look back over and see Bear motioning me to their table again.

"What can I get you VP?" I ask him.

"First of all, none of that crazy shit." Bear laughs out. After a moment of laughter, he composes himself to speak again without any humor in his voice. "Second of all, my names Bryant. You don't have to call me Bear... Unless you want too." He tells me with his brow raised as he pauses waiting for something. All I can do is nod to tell him to continue before I speak. "Third of all Sunflower... Can I have a Budweiser and your phone number, please?" He asks with a smile. The last part of his question stumped me. He wants my number?

"My number? For what?" I question with curiosity.

"In case you might need one of us to come to your rescue. You need a babysitter... Car issues... Furniture moving. Ya know daily tasks you might need help with." Bear explains while someone coughs beside him.

"Or so he can ask you out on a proper date." Someone chuckles out.

"Oh no. No offense to you or anyone... I'm damaged goods right now. I'm not ready for anything like that. But yeah, you can have my number in case I need you or one of the guys. And I'll be back with your order. I answer.

"I'm taking your number from Bear." Prez yells out at my retreating figure. All I can do is give a thumbs up.

"Sunflower! I need an order of junkyard nachos and fries!" Tats yells out afterwards. Again my hand goes up telling him I heard him. I maneuver around the bodies of people as I make my way back with their orders.

"Sunflower, do you mind if the higher ranks get your number? We'll program our numbers in your phone." Prez asks. I stare at him in shock. He wants me to have all their numbers?

"For precautions, safety, or if you need one of us for anything." Guns says as he types away open his phone.

"Sure. I'm fair warning you, my phones a little beat up." I laugh out. I pull my phone from my back pocket and lay it on the table.

"On second thought, Widget... Call Donnie and have him send over one of our phones. Comp you have everything you need here to set it up to our likings, correct?" Prez says with his hand up signaling me not to deny his requests.

"You.." I ignore his hand but I'm stopped yet again.

"Nope. Don't even. You need a better phone than one with a shattered screen. That's ten years over due for an update. Hell, it could possibly explode in your face. Don't worry about it." Bear interrupts me. During our encounter, Donnie boy has came in with a phone box and hands Prez the box. I watch as the young boy walks back out the bar. Prez hands Comp the box and I watch as Comp connects the phone to his computer

"Comp is our tech man. He's going to place a tracker on your device. Not for us to use against you but in case you break down or minor difficulties pop up." Tats explains.

"No worries, I understand. I could get abducted." I reply with a shrug of my shoulders. I walk off as Comp works on the new phone. I head behind the bar and wait for new orders or for closing time. As I begin to clean up the bar from spills and glasses; Comp motions for me to come back. Which I obey like a good little pup.

"You're set up Sunflower. It has all our numbers. You're on our plan and we already have your new number programmed. Don't worry about the bill." Comp says as he hands me the phone. He closes his laptop and walks out the bar. I glance at the time and see it's closing time. A lot of the crowd is exiting the place except for a few prospects and Bear.

"We'll see you tomorrow. I gotta go pick up Draven." Prez says as he walks out the door with everyone but Bear and the prospects still.

"You can head up and get Princess Sunflower. Bear and the prospects stay and help clean up the mess." Mac says as I'm picking up the glasses from the last table in the back.

"Let me grab the glasses and I'll leave Mac." I yell from my spot. Thirty minutes later, all the glasses have been gathered. I make it to the bar and drop everything off; Bear is walking towards the door.

"I'll see you later Daaaa." Bear pauses his words as he sees me staring at him. "Mac." Bear yells out his sentence. I grab my keys and head out the door behind him. As we go to throw the trash away, there's scuffing in the bins. Bear picks up a stick and is ready to smack it across whatever is in the bins. He slides the door over our pops a grey, white, and black striped cat with a pizza crust in its mouth.

"Oh my! He's too cute." I gasp out.

"You can keep him. He's always digging in the trash." Bear replies.

"I doubt they'll let me keep him." I answer as I place the bag into the bin. Bear is quiet all of a sudden until rings fills the silent night.

"Yes Bryant?" Mac's voice is heard.

"The little rascal was in the bin again. Tell Sunflower it's okay to keep the cat in the apartment. She doesn't believe me." Bear answers back.

"Sunflower... Take the cat upstairs." Mac laughs out. The said cat is rubbing against my leg with the crust still in his mouth.

"What are you going to name him?" Bear asks.

"Meeko." I answer.

"Ahhh! Pocahontas." Bear laughs out.

"It seems fitting." I say as I shrug my shoulders. I pick up Meeko and hop into the truck. Bear gets into his own truck as he continues to laugh. We both head towards Mac and Lilith's home to pick up our children.

Each second I'm around him, I'm constantly telling myself to keep my head locked up. But, to be honest... I don't know how much longer I can keep it locked up.

Bear's Mission: The Beginning (Creed Mc Book 0.5) Where stories live. Discover now