Chapter 1: The Beginning Of Unlucky Me

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The older couple helped me unload my beater up car. We walked up the back steps to the massive apartment upstairs. You would think an apartment above a bar would be like most one: old, dusty, holey, unfit for a child. This one matched the well kept bar downstairs; it was clean, spacious, and very livable. Not even a mouse in sight. The apartment had two bedrooms, bathroom, a living room, and kitchen. The whole upstairs was sound proof, nothing from downstairs could be heard from up here. I'm truly thankful for that, my off nights I didn't want to hear the rowdiness from downstairs and was afraid it would keep McKenzie up at night.

"Have a great night Dear." Mrs. Archer says with a soft motherly smile as she passes Mac back to me. Mr. Archer hands me the keys to the apartment and keys to the bar. They both smile as they walk out the apartment. The apartment is furnished with new furniture. The furniture still had the covers and tags from when it was bought over them. I undone the bed's packages and dug through the cupboards for bedding. Where Mrs. Archer said she had stocked it up with it and towels. The necessities for the bathroom are in the bathroom cupboards as well, like she said. Her words, she wanted to keep it stocked with the necessities for when it would be used one day. Here I am months later using this place as my home. I put the bedding on the bed and put McKenzie's little portable crib up in my room near my bed. McKenzie is asleep by the time I place her down in her bed. I quietly make my way under my own covers and fall asleep in peace. Not an ounce of worry has passed my body since I walked through this bar.

What felt like I slept for a whole day; really ended up being a healthy eight hours of sleep. Mac didn't wake up once like she did in Vander. She slept through the night content and safe. I put Mac in her pink frilly dress and adorable little baby flats. Her hair is in a curly messy on her head with her baby headband around her curls. I walk down our apartment stairs with my daughter in my hands. I simply have a mother's outfit on. A simple plain light grey tee shirt that isn't too loose but not too tight. My legs are in my dark grey leggings while my feet are nested in my running shoes. I bounce through the bar door with Mac in my hands. I'm greeted with bikers and the older couple who was closing the bar last night. The Archer's.

"There they are!" Mrs. Archer pretty much yells out over the slightly crowded bar of biker's. I should have known this was a biker bar. But, I won't let this stop me; I need the apartment for my daughter. I need this job for her. It's not like I can go anywhere because my car croaked literally in this parking lot. Beggars can be choosers. Right?

"How did you guys sleep?" Mr. Archer asks with a smile on his old face. The bar full of biker's are now looking at McKenzie and I.

"We slept fine and thank you." I answer in a small voice.

"Come honey... You must be hungry." Mrs. Archer says in a motherly tone. One I'm not used too. My mother never sounded like that. I take a seat further down from the bar away from the eyes of the rest of the people here.

"I hear we have a new resident that just moved here. You must be her." A guy around my age says. Looking at his vest, I can tell by the looks of it... He's the head honcho. The President. I mean it clearly says it on his vest.

"Hi." My voice shakes in nervousness.

"What's your name sweetheart?" He asks, trying to know me or get a feel of who I am.

"Kate. My car decided to croak on me." I answer in a saddened voice. He nods his head and goes back to eating his food.

"Mr. and Mrs. Archer." I call out. The both turn their heads towards me.

"Nonsense, call me Lilith or Lily for short." She answers while shaking her head with a smile.

"I'm Malcom but Mac for short. Hence, Mac's Bar across the building outside." Mac jokes. I nod my head in understanding. This gets the attention back on me as the group of bikers look at me again.

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