Chapter 2: Where To Begin

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The gravel beneath the tires crunch as I drive up the graveled driveway towards Mac and Lilith's home behind the bar. Today is my first day working and Lilith will be watching my daughter today. I unbuckle McKenzie's car seat and walk up the stairs. By the time I'm at the top, Lilith is already walking out the door with an adorably chubby baby in her hand and another cute curly haired baby in her other hand.

"This is Kaiser." She says as she looks down at the curly haired cutie. "And this one is Draven." She says as she looks at the other baby who's a chunker.

"Are you sure you can handle three babies around the same age Lilith?" I ask, feeling horrible if I left McKenzie here with her. She already has two children around McKenzie's age. It'll be triple the cries, feeding, diaper changes, and naps.

"I'm positive. I birth a son ya know." She jokes at the end. I don't know who her son is but he's one lucky man to have such wonderful parents. Mine were.. Well my father was nonexistent and my mother was worthless. Lilith leads me into her home with McKenzie in my hands. The home isn't small but isn't a mansion either. It has so many bedrooms that probably don't get used.

"This is Kaiser's room." She tells me as she places Kaiser in a crib. His room is decked out in motorcycles and boyish things. We walk to an adjoining room and it's the same theme. Motorcycles and anything boyish.

"This is Draven's room." She points out as she lays Draven into his crib. We walk across the hall and into another boyish room.

"This room is for the other babies in the club. Like Marcus. He's Tats son. Darrin, he's Comp's little boy. Also there's Atticus, who's Guns son. And lastly, Evan who's Widget's little one. Now, to the next room." She says as we leave a massive room with four cribs. We walk into a pinked out princess themed room.

"And the last room. This is for McKenzie. The guys fixed it up the day after you showed up." She explains. I take in the room and see a white crib with custom build designs in it. One design is a Princess Tiara as the head of the crib with McKenzie's name carved in it. The pink theme dances into the crib and across the room. A white mother's rocker is in the corner with a baby changing station. The closet is littered with newly tagged clothing. They went out and spent so much on my daughter! Tears begin to form in my eyes. I truly wished she would have been my mother.

"Don't cry sweetie. We felt if we were going have her around a lot; she'd need her own little haven that isn't filled with boyish things." Lilith says in a motherly tone again.

"It's just..." I stop myself and push my feeling down completely. "Thank you." I whisper out as she pulls me into a hug. We break from our hug and she grabs the car seat and lifts a sleeping Mac out of it. Usually she'd wake up from her nap if lifted. Here, Lilith hadn't woken her up not once. She lays her down in her crib and we both walk out. We come back to the main room and I notice four baby monitors. Only three are turned on. Each one has the children's names on it. On the wall has four baby camera screens popped up. If I had any doubt, it left the moment I walked in. These children are the safest in this home. Probably the safest children in this whole town, this whole state.

"Have fun at work. I'll see you when you get off." Lilith says with a bright smile. "Kill them dead my child." She laughs out. I back out and park the truck by my apartment stairs. The parking lot is crowded as I round towards the front. As I walk through the door, I notice more and more bikers.

"There she is!" Mac yells out over the noise. I walk towards Mac who's behind the bar motioning me to him.

"They're easy to bartend too. You'll remember their drinks by the end of the night. Trust me." He whispers. "Now if you'll head to the back table by the jukebox and get their drinks for me." Mac instructs with a wink. I do as he says and as I make it to the invisible table.... I run literally into Bear.

"Shit." I rush out.

"Oof." Is all that leaves his body.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." I am interrupted as his hand goes into the air. Silencing me as I close my eyes as I wait for the impact to come.

"Fuck. Darlin'. Did you think I was about to smack you?" He questions in horror.

"I... Well... Never mind. Old habits never die." I stutter out as I walk around Bear.

"You know I don't hit women right? I'd never lay a hand on you." Bear says to my retreating figure. All I can do is nod my head. I make it to the damned table to see all the higher ranked members at the table.

"Kate." Prez acknowledges me.

"What can I get you to drink?" I ask him. Not looking away from the main guy at the table. I mean if I was in anyone's shoes, I'd shit myself. To others it would look like I was on a suicide mission, keeping my back turned from the rest. The rest could easily assassin me. But, I don't fear these guys so I don't believe they'll shoot me dead just yet.

"We're going to be simple basic guys tonight. Get us two pitchers of Budweiser please." He answers me with a smile. I turn on my heels as I pass Bear in the crowd. I grab the two pitchers of beer and head back to their table. I gently place both pitchers on the table without spilling a drop. Before, I could walk away, a guy in a prospect labeled cut calls out from the pool table that's beside this table. My body is positioned between the two.

"Don't you think they need glasses you dumbass." He yells out.

"No, I figured they'd lick the pitchers like some dogs." I sass with a roll of my eyes. The table with the higher ranks begin to laugh. Before I knew it, the crazy prospect comes stalking towards me.

Oh dear lord, this is how I die.

"What did you say bitch." He snarls. Yup, I'm surely about to meet my demise. Before he could come any closer a new body is standing in front of me.

"Touch her and I'll shoot you die in your spot." Bear's voice rings out with a deadly tone. My eyes bulge out my head as I stare at his back side.

"Better yet, hand over your vest. We don't talk to women that way. She has a name surely it isn't bitch." Prez growls out. I peek around Bear and see a cut laying on the table. "Bear, escort this bastard out before I shoot him myself." Prez orders with a threat. Bear grabs ahold of this man and before I can register what was happening. He has this guy by his neck and tosses him out of the bar doors.

"Leave. Now." Is all Bear snarls.

"I'll be back with your glasses." I whisper out as I bounce around a Bear that's walking towards me. He gently grabs my arm and stops me.

"Did he touch you or hurt you?" He asks with concern laced in his voice.

"No. You stopped him before he could lay a finger on me. Thank you, my knight in shining armor." I reply with a soft smile.

"Anything for you Sunflower." He replies with a smile showing off his perfect teeth. A smile that would have knocked me straight on me ass.

Don't go down that road again Kate. We can't handle another Duke.

Bear's Mission: The Beginning (Creed Mc Book 0.5) Where stories live. Discover now