Chapter 13: Secret Come Unraveled

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Things hadn't changed any as the children grew up. You have Kaiser and Mac graduating high school and the twins going into Junior year in high school. Mac is the only one of the two going college. She preferred online classes so she could stay home and be around her family. She didn't like the fact of leaving the house without her brothers. Kaiser is working on taking over Bryant's Vice President position. It's crazy to think that Kylie would have been a freshmen. Parts of me wonder what she'd be like today. Would she be a spitfire like her sister? Mischievous like the twins? Or knowledgeable like Kaiser, who likes to analyze everything first? Would she a free spirit or grounded? Maybe a mixture of all four of her siblings? We'll never know but only guess what she'd be like because we were robbed of seeing her grow and become her own person. Kaiser had this trail up in the mountains named after her. She has a beautiful marker with flowers surrounding it at the beginning of the pathway. At the top of the pathway is a bench that sits at the highest point. It's where he believes he's the closest to her because it's so high up that it feels like you're practically touching the clouds. It's where he likes to go to think, to relax, or to feel close with Kylie. When he's pissed or upset, that's where you will find him... Talking to the sky as he rants for his sister to hear. That's all I thought about as Bryant and I were at the clubhouse with the Onyx and Jolene. My thoughts came crashing down on me when Mac comes storming through the clubhouse with tear stained cheeks and blood shot eyes.

"Mom! What the fuck is this!" She screams as her voice cracks. She thrusts crumpled papers into my chest as she steps back with tears falling from her small chin.

"Mac, what is the matter?" I ask. I open the crumpled mess and see tear stains blotting the documents. As I stare at them with humongous eyes. I let out a gasp of shock and glance back at our daughter. She has defeat in her eyes as she can tell what's on these papers are the truth. The one secret I wished I could have kept a little longer is now out in the open. And McKenzie looks crushed.

"Let me explain." I beg McKenzie.

"Someone better explain to me! Why does it say dad adopted me!" Her screams rattle my eardrums as it echos through the clubhouse.

"Princess...." Bryant starts off. You can see the turmoil in her teary eyes. One that looks as if she wants to stay rooted where she is or to run into her father's arms like she's always done.

"Please, take a seat Mac. Let your parents explain." Onyx says.

"Uncle, you knew?" Mac questions him. I watch as Onyx looks down and it's like it's the answer Mac needed. Because her small face has hurt written all over it. Like the entire world had betrayed her. The more she glanced and scanned the room, the more her face fell and her eyes swelled with more unshed tears.

"Sis! What the hell? You took off like the ground was lava!" Kai says winded as he storms towards Mac.

"Kaiser, did you know?" She turns around and ask her protector.

"Know fucking what?" Kai fires back equally pissed off.

"Dad isn't my fucking father!" She yells while her face is blood shot red and her eyes are puffy from crying. Kaiser's mouth drops. He looks like he isn't even breathing. Mac's legs give out and she hits the floor from the shock. Kaiser follows suit and is sitting right beside her while holding her crumpled form in his arms. They always had a special bond. A bond no one will ever understand.

"Please, everyone leave now!" Onyx's voice booms.
All that's left is Kaiser, McKenzie, Onyx, Bryant, and I.

"I..." Bryant begins to speak.

"I want the truth dad. Please!" Mac's out to her father with pleading eyes.

"Let me tell you a story of my past. All your questions will be answered in it." I begin to tell her.
Kaiser and her both nod their heads.

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