Chapter 7: The Beginning of Us

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It's crazy how everything started to fall in place. It started when my crappy old car decided to break down outside the bar. But, each day something else would fall into place. To where finally most of the pieces missing in my life have fell right into place. Like a puzzle missing pieces or a puzzle with pieces that quite don't fit. The main piece that was missing from my life was Bear and Kaiser. I'm a mom to a thriving toddler and a girl who's two days shy from being a year old. It's like I've been handed the pieces I was missing for so long. Sometimes I catch myself thinking; the girl from the wrong side of the tracks ended up with the guy from the right-ish side of the tracks. I went from having a shitty life living in a shit hole called Vander. The only thing amazing that came from my old life is McKenzie. Without my daughter, I wouldn't have had the balls to get up and leave the horrid life behind. Without her, we wouldn't have met Bear and the wonderful people from Alder. We wouldn't have landed the life we should have had from the beginning of time. Everything I have done in life after she was born has been for her.

For McKenzie.

My bright blue eyed Angel.

McKenzie was my saving grace. She healed me in a ways I never knew could happened. She helped me head down the straight road. One where she wouldn't be motherless. The love I have for my daughter is endless. Just like the love I have for my son is just as endless. He came into my life as I was rebuilding it back from the ground up. I had thought with McKenzie I was whole as a mother. I didn't realize I needed a copy and paste of Bryant in my life. I'm glad my car decided to croak here. And I'm glad I have this bright eyed blue eyed devil for a son.

Speaking of Mac, I'm heading to the store to finish getting her decorations. Kaiser and McKenzie are in the backseat in their car seat as Bryant and some of the members are behind us and in front of us, leading us to where we need to go. Bear and Onyx park their motorcycles in one parking spot next to several empty ones. I pull in beside them as Tats, Widget take the spot next to me. Beside them are Guns and Comp. Bear opens my door and helps me out as Guns picks up Kaiser. Bear picks up McKenzie as I come to her door to get her out. Onyx already has the double stroller ready. Guns puts Kaiser in the bottom seat as Bear puts Mac into her seat. Onyx starts to push the stroller away as I stand in my place.

Those are my babies!

What am I supposed to do now?

I walk hand in hand with Bear as the guys follow behind us as we walk behind Onyx with our children. We head into the birthday, celebration, party area of the store. Before I could mention what all I needed, I have five grown men with their own buggies throwing anything they can touch into their buggies. As I watch grown ass men face down the aisles, I begin to laugh at their antics.

What the actual hell?

"Have you gotten Princess her cakes yet? Are they ordered?" Bear asks as he comes up behind me. This causes me to shriek out a scream.

"Geez Christ Bear!" I wheeze out.

"I remember you yelling that out early this morning." He jokes. This causes my face to heat up from the thought of what he is getting at. Dirty minded little fucker.

"Yes, I got them ordered. We have to pick them up tomorrow afternoon. Right before her party." I answer as I slap his arm. All he does it let out a chuckle.

"Come on. Let's head out. The guys are already in line to pay for everything." Bear replies with a chuckle. We walk hand in hand as we head out the door.

"Wait! Where's your buggy?" I ask, now realizing his cart is gone.

"Comp took mine and his." He answers. Onyx comes walking out with the children as we make it to the truck. I glance behind me as I hear heels plummeting the asphalt. It's Sandy Cheeks. I can't remember her club name but that's what I call her. She's a club bunny and she's heading our direction.

"Bear! Hun! Did you seriously get an Ol' Lady?" She squeaks out.

"Obviously." Bear answers as he waves our tangled hands in the air for the world to see.

"But I thought." She starts to say.

"I don't know what the hell you thought. But, you thought the fuck wrong Candice. I found my forever and you're looking at her. All you want to do is land your hook into some idiot and become an Ol' Lady. You better find a somewhere else to sling that hook because I'm taken. If you don't know how to spell it, it's T.A.K.E.N. Now scram!" Bear growls out as our tangled hands are in the air.

"But.." She tries again to speak.

"He said scram. You know what that means right? If not let me help you with it. It means move your feet and go back the way you came. Bye." I snap. I watch as she huff and stomps away in her ungodly heels.

How can one walk in such things?

Great! Now I will have to deal with this crackhead for the rest of my life....

Just grand!

Bear's Mission: The Beginning (Creed Mc Book 0.5) Where stories live. Discover now