Chapter 6: Those Feelings

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I would say the past few months I tried to avoid Bear a much as possible but in reality.... That would be a humongous big fat fib. At first I tried to stay in the space I was originally. The acquaintance type of space. But, so in the weeks following our trip to the diner; we somehow moved to the friends stage in life. And that stage terrifies the hell out of me. I don't know if it's the fact that in this stage where he could disappear willingly. As in just get tired of my presence and being that we can't be friends. I can't hang with you. You know just end the friendship. Kaiser and McKenzie have bonded and to have him disappear would be Kaiser would be out of her life. And I don't think I can handle neither one if they vanished. Or if it's the part where the friendship stage to go into something more. And with my track recorded with Vice Presidents, that's a risk I can't chance again with my heart. So, as you can tell... I'm in a pickle.

Over the time I've been here, I've noticed unlike some people who cheat or the ones without a significant other who mess with anyone with a hole... Bear hasn't messed with a single female. Which is quite shocking. But than again, he was raised by amazing parents.

Maybe he is gay?

Maybe Kaiser's mother turned him gay.

Maybe he could be my gay best friend. Because gay people make the perfect company.

I shake my head at my crazy thoughts as I watch Bear in the middle of his parents main room. He sitting in the floor playing with my daughter. She likes to stand up and try to take wobbly steps. But her chunky legs wobble and she falls onto her diaper covered butt. I've watched for weeks as this man has tried to get her to take a step. It started out as him letting her grab ahold of his fingers as she would 'walk' with him. He cheered her on as loud as I would while one or both of his parents were filming her. I happened to take the perfect picture that day. His smile was bright as she took her 'first' step forwards with the help of his fingers. I walk to the kitchen to grab a drink as I come back through; I hear Bear's excited voice.

"Come to me my Princess." His voice cooed.

"That's it! You can do it baby girl." His voice has more excitement in it. As I make it to the threshold of the entranceway. I spot Bear crouched down, leveled with McKenzie. She's standing on her two little chunkers we call legs. I watch in shock as she takes a shaky step towards Bear as he calls out to her and praises her.

"Come to me Princess. I won't let you fall." He call out again. I watch as she finds her footing and takes another step towards him. After her third step, she's found her barring.

"That's it! You got it Mac. Come to me baby." He coos at her. And it's like walking clicked and we watch as she's walking faster with each step trying to make it to Bear.

"I got you Princess. A few more steps. I won't let you get hurt baby. You got it." He cheers her on. Like a proud father would any of his children. It's like his cheers have clicked again in her little head because she moved forwards with even quicker steps. As she makes it to Bear; she's instantly in his hands. He pushes her above his head and gives her kisses all over her face. This causes her to erupt like a volcano into a fit of laughter. As he places her back onto the floor while still sitting on his knees to make him as small; as he could for a man over 6 feet tall. Mac, who's on her feet and climbs into his lap. She wraps her chubby fingers around his face and says the one word she's never spoken before. Her word is clear as day and is caught on camera by Lilith.


The place grows silent as Bear stares at Mac in shock. She's never called him Dadda and now I don't even know how to cross this bridge with an 11 month old. It's not like she can understand us if any of us tell her 'he's not your father' type of shit. I watch in a shocked state as Bear's face goes from stunned or shocked to what a proud father would say. He lifts Mac into an arms and kisses her again on her small little nose. She giggles and grabs ahold of his beard and tugs.

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