Chapter 14: Disappear and Reappear Act (Epilogue)

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You can tell the damage had been done to Mac. To all our children really. The family secret cut them deep into the heart. She pretends she's fine but the light that once shines bright; dulled more each day. Our children were seen dangling on the each of one of their siblings' window sill with one another more and more. At times Bryant thought about barricading their windows, afraid they'd try to jump to their deaths. She isn't as outgoing that demands attentions. She resides closed off in her room or in her safe haven. Weekends is when we all see her the most. It's when our club has our parties. You mention paths word party and she's already out the door ready to go. She doesn't drink without us present but still in the back of my mind, I worry for her. For all of them but mainly for her. She's different now and that scares me. The last party she went to was months ago. And after that party, she hasn't appeared at another one. I don't know what happened that night. I just know Mac and Draven had a heated quarrel in the hall. I don't know what was exactly said but after their fight, she doesn't hang out with her soulmate. She become more closed off. The more she seen Draven with another girl, she lost it. She either got angrier or more sad. I can understand where her anger comes from. It hurts to see the one you love with another. But no matter how much we try to get her to talk, she claims up and shuts down. It's like he has the key to open her lock. The lock being her heart and mouth. I never thought in a thousand years she'd pick up and leave. But, we watched helplessly as she packed her belongings and her bike into her truck and trailer. We all watched her drive away with different emotions. Kaiser was the one it hit hardest on. They were inseparable so as the days went by, the more closed off Kaiser got. He started taking his VP position more seriously. And within months Draven and him took over the club and right behind him two years later the twins took on their roles. For a while we never heard from her, only the boys did. Except Draven, she refused to talk to him for some reason. It's like she hated his guts. The boys told Draven how she was even if she wouldn't speak to him. She slowly started to talk to Bryant and I as the time passed. It was hard at first, watching your baby grow her wings and learn to fly on her own. But to not hear from her killed both of us. It wasn't until five years later when Bryant or I had seen her. Anything important, she wouldn't come. It was like she didn't want us to know something. She didn't come to the twins' graduation. She never came Kaiser taking his position. She didn't come to her father's retirement. She didn't come when I had a heath scare. So when her grandpa had a heart attack. She was informed but no one believed she show. Well except Kaiser, Dylan, and Dawson. For some unknown reason they truly believed she'd come home. When I saw her same truck pull up at the hospital, I was shocked. What had me the most shocked was a little boy and girl getting out of their car seats.

Blade and Everleigh. They were just five years old. When I seen Blade for a second, I had a feeling I knew who their father was or is. It took everything in me not to strangle that kid. The more I stared at my grandchildren the more I wanted to bodily harm to him. I still don't understand how Kaiser, Dylan, or Dawson never beat the brakes off that boy. They must have known the whole story. But all I could think is how did she parent alone for so long, how was the delivery, why wasn't Draven in the picture, does he even know, why didn't she tell us, did she think we'd be ashamed? And out of all my children, she's the one to make us grandparents, not Dylan or Dawson. We sat for a while as she told the story of how the twins came along. It broke my heart it happened under the influence of alcohol and Draven was too drunk to even remember. Her leaving now makes so much more sense. Her emotions and being closed off made sense. It's like everything clicked into place as she told her story. It's like listening to a stranger tell their life story yet the stranger is your own child. Your own daughter. Your precious baby. She broke down and told us how the pregnancy went and the delivery. How her best friends were by her side the entire time. It hurt but it made me feel relieved that she had someone in her corner.

It only taken weeks for Draven to hear news of a boy looking exactly like him. And the news didn't go well for him. He missed out on her pregnancy, their birth, and their first five years. I would have been angry as well. But what can I say, I hid the truth from her for almost 18 years. She was just doing as I had done. I never seen Draven so pissed, hurt, or with tears in his eyes before. Draven avoided Mac like the plague for months until he finally had some sense knocked into him. He got to know the kids and learned to become a dad. He always had them on his motorcycle. He always was there for them. He bent over backwards to make sure Mac and the kids had everything they needed. As I said since they met when they were babies, they were meant to be together. They were soulmates. They married and had more children. Some traumas here and there from club business, laughter, fights, birthdays, and cries later. But they always came out of it stronger. Kaiser ended up with Tins. Once he got his head cleared and set right. Dylan ended up with Kenna while Dawson managed to swing Rylee off her feet. Out of all of them, I knew Kaiser would be the hardest to rope in. Due to his past but I never expected him to be a complete idiotic shit head in the process. Our family grew much larger than before. All my kids ended up as parents. Ever last one.

Sparrow is three and loves to push everyone's buttons including her parents. Rose likes to draw on walls so we have to make sure any marker she can grab for a two year old is washable. Her parents had to repaint their walls a few times. Now it's to the point they keep her 'artwork' on the walls so when she comes of age for a boyfriend.... They can embarrass her. Ace is just seven months old, he's learning to crawl everywhere. One minute he's at your legs, when you blink he's in another room. He gets it from his father. If his parents let him join the club, the VP will have his replacement in eighteen years. His parents didn't wait long to make more babies because his mother is pregnant already. She's exactly four months and one week as of now. If she carries like she should, they'll have two kids born in the same damn year. This time, they're having a little girl.

Her father decided to name this princess Kylie. As you can tell they all three named their daughters after their baby sister, Kylie. Sparrow is what Dylan always called her. He said she always flew like a sparrow. When she died he said I told you she was meant to fly. Her middle name is after McKenzie Sparrow McKenzie Archer. Rose has her aunt's middle name. She's also named after her other aunt as well. Rose Phoenix Archer. Because her brother said she rose from the ashes and became a Phoenix when she hit rock bottom. While Kylie has her aunt's first name and McKenzie's middle name. Kylie Isabella Archer. So all the girls are named after their sisters who they hold dear to their souls.

For now our family is growing and happier than we ever been. The new children have put a boost of energy through us all. Including Blade and Everleigh. Speaking of Everleigh, I wonder if her and her love affair ever figured out their issues yet?. It's hard to have a crush on the Princess of the Mc. But, these two are soulmates just like I called it with Mac and Draven. Blade, he's almost ready to take over for Draven. Soon, he'll be the new President of the Creed Mc. The struggles Everleigh and Blade went through to get to where they are now is a story or two on their own. From their struggles you can tell who their parents are because they bounced back stronger than before and became a Phoenix and Dragon of their own. But their struggles are for a different time.

-The End. ❤️❤️

I know this is shorter than the rest of my books. This was only supposed to get you an insight of Bear and Kate. It's the prequel to the whole series. It drops hints for Draven and Mac's book. Kaiser and Tinsley's book. Dylan and Kenna's book. Dawson and Rylee's book (when I finish their story) Blade and Everleigh. Hint hint.😉❤️ I hope you enjoyed it so far. On to the next Creed MC book. It'll be Dawson's story. It should be posted in January once I finish up three books I'm working on. ❤️🫣

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