Chapter 4: Information

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The week had went by with a blur. Every night when the bar closed, it was like a routine.... Bear and I would pick up both our children at the same time. Lilith told us the children the last few weeks have bonded. They bonded so well, the boys would cry if Mac wasn't in their sights. When she would lay the children down, they had to all be touch. If not the boys would fuss. So to solve the issue.... Draven, Mac, and Kaiser would be placed in Mac's crib... In that exact order. Mac is always in the middle of the two. It's like the boys could sense her in between them because Draven's left hand would touch Mac's right side as Kaiser's hand would touch her left side. When they sleep together is when they sleep the best. Odd little ones but it seems they're bonded for life now. It puts a smile on my face and a small tug in my chest at this information. She's going to have a life I never had and I'm going to make damn sure of it. This MC seems to make sure she has a lively and great life. For that, I'm truly grateful.

Tonight, is no different; it's my shift at the bar and for once I'll be closing without Mac here to guide me. Old man needs a day off from this place so I'm his savior tonight. At his usual table is Bear. It's an hour into closing time and my feet are throbbing. Bear promised to help clean up with me and the prospects. Let me tell you, I'm making his keep his word because I'm hanging on to his promise like it's my lifeline. As, I'm cleaning the tables around him I hear his voice ring out.

"Wrap your dick and makes sure she doesn't act like Annabelle."

"What do you mean VP?" The youngest one asks.

"Kaiser's mother and I had a small fling. We used to hook up in my room in the clubhouse. I used protection don't go lecturing me. But unknowingly, the witch decided when I wasn't looking to poke holes in my condoms when I wasn't around. Hence how Kaiser was made. She purposely would do things to harm Kaiser who wasn't even born yet. I should have known something was up but I didn't think she could be so heartless. Yet she was. I planned to take custody of him once he was born. I didn't care what anyone had to say; she wasn't keeping my son. She disappeared a little bit before he was born and changed her number. I never knew when he was born or anything until one day I heard crying outside my home door. There in a car seat was a curly haired chubby cheeked little boy in the cold.... On my door steps with a note attached to his car seat. An envelope was tucked between him and the right side of his car seat. So, Annabelle was the last female I had sex with. She was the last female I ever 'dated' per say." Bear explains the story. I never noticed I had stopped what I was doing just to listen to their story. I felt so horrified at what happened to Kaiser. I felt broken about everything. What mother would do something like this. I just want to comfort him but I didn't because I would have been in serious trouble. I walked back to the bar to grab him his favorite beer. As I come back to give it to him... He's telling them what the note had said.

"Here's our son. Take the bastard. I don't want him. I never did. Do as you please because I really could care less. I'm not cut out as a mother but you however, are cut out to be a father.
Fuck you Annabelle." Bear's voice cracks and his voice gets a little higher towards the end. I watch as a single tear fall from his eyes. I break out of my trance and I simply give him his beer.

"You are a great father Bear." I tell him as I squeeze his hand to comfort him the best I could.

I mean every word I've said because he truly is, from what I could see, a damn good father. Kaiser is lucky to have his dad instead of that wrench of a mother.

We close up after hearing what the note said. As if it was etched into his brain. Like the note was still in front of him, he 'read' it word for word apparently.

"Ready to head out Sunflower to get our children?" Bear asks. I nod my head yes as I begin to repeat our children over and over.

It has a nice ring to it.

Our children.

Kate! Not now! We aren't going down that road again.

We head up to get the children in our separate vehicles. As we bound up the steps, Mac comes out.

"You have got to witness this with your own eyes!" Mac says with a chuckle. We walk in and find all the children laying on a thick blanket on the floor. Kaiser has his hand on McKenzie's arm while Draven is holding her hand.

I swear those two will get married one day. I mean Draven and McKenzie. I can just sense it.

Bear pulls out his phone and begins to take pictures of our children sleeping.

"There's my son!" Lilith says from the doorway.

"Mama, I'm here to get Kai but I see he's knocked out." Bear says with a chuckle.

"Yeah and it's going to be hell trying to pry his away from Princess right there." Mac says with a small smile. His older eyes light up as he takes in the three babies.

"Why don't you leave him here and he can stay the night with his grandparents." Lilith comments back. I'm still standing in shock. These are his parents. Mac and Lilith are his parents?! He's an Archer?! They're the ones who's raised him?

"Parents? Son? Grandson? What!" I squeak out.

"Yes. We're Bryant's parents. Meaning Kaiser is our grandson." Lilith says with a sadden expression as if she's betrayed me. Why would she feel like that?

"Well, I see where he gets his manners. Kaiser is one lucky little guy." I answer with a smile.

"Kate, why don't you let us keep her for the night. Let you get some rest. It's your off day tomorrow. You can come pick her up when you wake up." Mac asks.

"Prez and Jolene couldn't take Draven home with how these three looked. So, he's stay the night along with Kai." Lilith explains.

"Uh, I guess so." I question at first. Than it hit me, one night to sleep in fully without having McKenzie to wake me up in the middle of the night. My body feels like I'm running on fumes lately. "Thank you." I rush out as I hug both of them.

"How about we go get an early breakfast or late dinner down at our local diner?" Bear suddenly suggests to me.

"You had me at food. Meet you there?" I ask back. Bear laughs as he nods his head and I walk out the door with his confirmation.

What in the hell did I just agree to?

So much for staying far away.

Bear's Mission: The Beginning (Creed Mc Book 0.5) Where stories live. Discover now