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True to his word, Eddie was back at the hospital first thing in the morning to bring Buck home. Buck's heart skipped ever so slightly when he saw his best friend walk into his room with Aidan's car seat hanging over his shoulder. The nurse had come in with a prescription for paracetamol, ibuprofen and codeine for the pain and orders to come back and get his cast removed in 6 weeks' time. She'd also given a list of things for Eddie to keep an eye on with Buck's concussion, mostly just excess lethargy, headaches and nausea. Buck was advised that he would probably be quite tired for the next couple of days and would need someone to stay with him for support. Buck had groaned in frustration at that; he'd been hoping to go back to normal and not have to bother anyone. Never mind the fact that he wasn't even able to hold his son properly at the moment.

Eddie had waited outside for Buck to get changed into some clean clothes, only going in to help when it had been 5 minutes and Buck still wasn't out. Eddie had walked into his room to see him floundering around with his shirt and sling, struggling to pull the material over his shoulder. He'd stood still in resignation and had allowed Eddie to unclip the sling and gently pull his arm through his sleeve before reattaching the sling.

"I feel like an invalid" Buck had grumbled as Eddie straightened out his shirt.

Eddie just smirked and replied, "I mean, you kind of are, man".

Eddie had led Buck from the hospital, thanking all the doctors and nurses as they left. The second Buck had settled himself into Eddie's truck, he'd flung the sling off and sighed contentedly as he stretched his arm out, earning a reproving glance from Eddie.

"What?" he'd muttered, "it's not like it hurt my shoulder".

It was then that Eddie realised Buck was not going to be an easy patient. He was going to have his work cut out for him.

Buck and Eddie pulled into the parking lot of Buck's apartment after a long drive from the hospital, during which both Buck and Aidan had a nap. Buck flopped onto his couch with a contended sigh, stretching his body out and enjoying the feeling of familiarity. Eddie put Aidan's car seat next to the couch and unbuckled the baby, lifting him out and lying him on Buck's chest. Buck bought his good hand up to rest on his son's back and kissed the top of his head.

"Daddy's home, Aidan!" he mumbled into his son's hair, inhaling the comforting scent of baby shampoo. Eddie must have given him a bath last night, a thought that, for some reason, filled Buck with warm and fuzzy feelings.

Aidan rested his head on Buck's chest, letting out a small sigh of contentment, enjoying being with his dad again. Buck traced small circles on the boy's back, the motion as soothing for Aidan as it was for his father. The previous night had been hard for Buck. Despite not having a baby to keep him up all night, Buck had hardly slept. His mind kept wandering to what might have happened if he'd been more seriously injured. He couldn't bear the thought of Aidan being left all alone with a mother that had rejected him and a father in a coma, or worse. He really needed to contact his lawyer and get some provisions put in place.

Buck looked up as said provisions (Eddie) walked down the stairs of the loft, hefting a suitcase behind him.

"What's that?" Buck asked, pushing himself into a sitting position, holding Aidan against his chest while he used his left elbow to lever himself upwards. He winced slightly as a stab of pain went shooting up his arm, causing Eddie to raise an eyebrow in his direction.

"That, Buck, is a suitcase" Eddie said, setting it on the floor next to the couch. "People generally use them when they're going to stay somewhere for a while".

Buck looked at Eddie blankly. "And where do you think I'm going to be staying? I'm not exactly in a holidaying mood".

"You're coming to stay with me" Eddie replied simply.

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