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Eddie was right, Buck did feel like shit the next day. He'd managed not to throw up again during the night, although it had been pretty touch and go in places. Thankfully he'd finally fallen asleep around 4am and had managed to sleep through a significant portion of the day thus far, not waking up when Carla dropped Aidan and Christopher back at Eddie's house, nor when Christopher accidentally dropped a pot in the kitchen, the resounding clang echoing wildly through the house enough for Eddie to cringe, and he was even half as hungover as Buck was. It was around midday that Eddie decided Buck had slept enough and crept into their room to wake him, Aidan resting against his hip.

Buck was laying on his back, stretched out across the bed like a starfish, one arm thrown over his eyes as if subconsciously shielding them from the light streaming through Eddie's curtains. Eddie took a moment to appreciate the way Buck's shirt had ridden up, exposing a couple of inches of skin. The blond's face was flushed and the covers thrown haphazardly over his legs, clearly having overheated during the night, and his mouth was wide open, accounting for the almighty snores Eddie had heard from the lounge. It struck Eddie as he tiptoed towards the bed that he was being a bit cruel, waking up Buck by dumping his wiggling 6-month-old son on him but he didn't allow a pesky thought such as that hold him back from having his moment of fun.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Eddie announced cheerily as he unceremoniously hurled Aidan onto his father's chest, chuckling to himself as Buck let out a surprised "oof!" and instinctively wrapped his arms around his son, the jerkiness of the movement almost causing him to topple off the bed.

"Eddie, what the fuck?" Buck croaked as he peered up at his grinning boyfriend. Now that he was awake he was suddenly aware of just how disgusting he felt. He had a sick headache pulsing behind his eyes, his mouth was dry and tasted nasty, and his stomach rolled uncomfortably with every movement. "What's the time, how long did I sleep?".

Eddie perched on the edge of the bed, tickling Aidan's tummy, causing the little boy to let out a high-pitched shriek of laughter. Buck screwed his face up at the noise and addressed his son. "Shhhh baby, Daddy isn't feeling too well".

"Daddy drank way too much last night and is regretting his life choices" Eddie added with a smirk, lifting Aidan off Buck's chest and depositing him in his lap. His smirk widened as Buck curled into a ball, grabbing Eddie's pillow and pressing it over his head. "I'll assume you're a bit hungover, then?"

"A bit?" Buck moaned; his voice muffled through the pillow. "Feel like 'm dying".

Eddie let out a soft laugh and patted Buck's leg through the covers. "Well, when you no longer feel like you're dying, Christopher made you some breakfast. He was very insistent he do it because apparently, I'm incapable of cooking for my boyfriend".

"You are". Despite Buck's hidden face, Eddie didn't fail to miss the humour in his voice. This earned him a swift poke in the side, causing Buck to protest loudly. Eddie merely chuckled and squeezed his thigh, getting up off the bed.

"Come eat something, you'll feel better. And drink the water by your bed. I'll see you soon".

When Buck finally shuffled into the lounge, Eddie couldn't help but laugh. He'd bundled the duvet around him, making him look like a remarkable amount like a puffy burrito, and he had a pair of Eddie's sunglasses shoved hastily over his eyes. The second he was within a safe distance of the couch he flopped himself down with a groan, massaging his temples.

"How you feeling there, bud?" Eddie asked with amusement as he took in Buck's miserable appearance.

"The light is too loud" Buck complained. Eddie snorted out a laugh and bought a plate heaped with bacon, eggs and toast over to the coffee table, setting it down close to Buck's head in hopes that the smell would perk him up.

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