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It was safe to say that Buck was firmly back in his sex addict days. Not in the sense that he was sleeping with anything human, of age and with a pulse, but in the sense that all he could think about was when he'd next get to sleep with Eddie. They'd gone again the next morning, slow and lazy and just what they needed to wake up properly. Although they'd initially placed boundaries on each other along the lines of no sex when the kids were awake or no teasing each other at work, that had gone completely out the window when Eddie had accidentally walked into the wrong shower cubicle at work (and Buck had conveniently forgotten to lock the door) and they'd ended up giving each other hurried handjobs under the jet of the shower while stifling their giggles like a couple of teenagers.

As October rolled past, Buck and Eddie became more comfortable with their newly public relationship. Chimney and Hen had stopped teasing them after a week, the novelty clearly having worn off and Bobby had watched them with a look of pride as they signed the necessary papers for the department. Christopher and Eddie had started sleeping over at Buck's house a lot since their first date and they were finally starting to feel like a little family. They days where Christopher and Eddie stayed at their own house were becoming less and less and when they were gone, Buck missed them like crazy. Aidan, who was now 7 months old would light up like a Christmas tree whenever he saw Christopher or Eddie, usually opting to pitch himself headfirst out of his dad's arms and hope that either Christopher or Eddie would catch him. He found this particularly hilarious and, much to Buck's extreme anxiety, had taken to doing it completely without warning, giggling like a manic while his father and the nearest adult all rushed to grab him before he toppled to the ground.

Another huge developmental leap the young boy had reached in the last month was he'd started to crawl. Buck had noticed this when he'd left the boy on his little playmat while Buck tidied up the lounge, clearing away takeout containers from the previous night of games and pizza with Christopher and Eddie. He'd turned around to chat to his son and been gripped with a wave of panic when Aidan wasn't to be found on his playmat anymore. Buck had practically sprinted across the lounge, only to find Aidan scooting along the edge of the couch, a large grin spread across his face, showing off his two new bottom teeth. Once Buck's heartrate had returned to normal and he'd reassured himself that no, his son had not been kidnapped, he'd immediately taken a photo of Aidan's new trick, coaxing him forwards with the promise of his favourite stuffed rabbit. The video had been fired off to Eddie, Maddie & Chim, Bobby & Athena and Hen with all recipients responding with various messages of pride and congratulations to the little boy.

The end of October was drawing nigh and Buck was getting a bit twitchy around Eddie's lack of plans for the holiday.

"Christopher is probably going Trick or Treating with his friends this year" Eddie said as him and Buck relaxed on the couch one evening after having put Aidan to bed, Christopher in his room playing video games on the Nintendo Switch. Buck leaned his head against Eddie's outstretched arm.

"Isn't he too young for that?" Buck asked as Eddie's scratched his scalp, fingers soft and massaging.

Eddie sent him a look of amusement. "He's 12, Buck, he's old enough to go out with his friends for the evening".

"This is a very different Eddie Diaz speaking compared to the one that didn't allow his son to go to the park last year" Buck teased.

"That was different, he was still my baby then".

Buck snorted. "What, and he's not now?".

"Christopher has told me in no uncertain terms that I am not to call him that anymore. It's embarrassing, apparently". Eddie looked a little glum as he conveyed this information and Buck twisted himself so he was facing the older man.

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