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Aidan had been in Buck's life for a week and Buck could safely say it had been one of the most hectic weeks of his life. The morning after Aidan had appeared on his doorstep, Buck had been on the phone to his lawyer, trying to figure out what the next steps were. They'd quickly gotten hold of Taylor's lawyer, who had informed them that Taylor planned to waive all parental rights to Buck, giving him sole custody of the baby. Before signing the papers, CPS had paid Buck's house a quick visit to ensure that it was fit to have a baby. Eddie had helped Buck buy the final few things he'd need, Buck eternally grateful for his best friend's help.

Eddie had stayed with Buck for another 2 nights before leaving the new father to deal with parenthood on his own. He'd taught Buck how to prepare bottles, how to sterilise bottles, how to bathe the baby, what hunger cues looked like, and what to do if the baby couldn't sleep. The final night of Eddie's stay had been more emotional support than anything, with the brunette staying in bed while Buck dealt with his son, occasionally shouting instructions down the stairs as Buck flailed around with formula tins and bottles, whilst also juggling a crying baby.

Now, one week on, Buck found himself once again awake at 4am, tiredly bouncing his son in his arms as the baby screamed at the top of his lungs, inconsolable. Aidan had been colicky since the day prior, sobbing whenever Buck put him down. The tired dad was just about at his wits end, wishing that Eddie was still with him to help.

"Come on buddy, please stop crying. We need to go to sleep!" Buck begged as he swayed back and forth, a movement he realised he'd been doing so much that he'd started doing it any time he was holding something vaguely baby sized, much to Eddie's amusement when he'd walked in on his best friend cradling a section of firehose.

Aidan whimpered into Buck's shoulder, causing Buck's heart to break. He wished there was something he could do to solve his son's distress, but Aidan had been fed, burped, and changed, and Buck really couldn't think of anything more he could do at this point.

"Fuck it" he thought to himself as he pulled out his phone, flicking through it until he found Eddie's number and pressed the dial button.

Eddie didn't answer immediately, and Buck was about to hang up when a sleepy voice echoed down the line.

"Buck? What is it? It's 4am" Eddie answered, his voice husky after having just woken up.

"Hey Ed, sorry to wake you. I can't get Aidan to sleep, and I have no idea what to do" Buck said, trying not to let desperation creep into his voice.

Eddie sighed and Buck could tell he was regretting his offer for Buck to call him at any time.

"Have you changed him and fed him?"

Buck rolled his eyes. "No, I didn't think of that. Of course I have Eddie! I'm not a total idiot".

"Could have fooled me" Eddie muttered. Buck heard rustling down the end of the phone and pictured Eddie dragging himself out of bed, his hair tousled and eyes heavy. "Give me a moment to get Christopher out of bed and we'll be right over."

Buck breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll set the couch up for Christoper?" he offered.

"That would be great, thanks. See you soon".

The line went dead as Eddie ended the call. Buck pressed a kiss to his son's head and gently lowered him back into his crib, doing his best to ignore the intensified screaming.

"I'll be back in a second, buddy. Gotta go set up a bed for your cousin Chris".

Buck flew down the stairs and rifled through a cupboard, looking for some spare blankets and a pillow. Upon locating them, he set the couch up with a fluffy comforter he knew Christopher loved and waited for Eddie to arrive, bringing Aidan downstairs as he waited.

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