OMG What Is Life

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Life has been crazy. Where to even begin. I'm not even sure what my last entry even has lol. As far as what has been going on in my life recently, where to even begin. 

Well, I got married omg. That is so wild. I have been married now for 3 months. It is so insane. The wedding was amazing. I had it at a beautiful golf course and it was intimate. It wasn't the worst thing to plan. Of course it was stressful, but it wasn't as bad to plan as I was expecting it to. As far as the day of, there were a few things that went wrong.

Firstly, the photography lost my ring! So that set back some pictures and a few other things. I didn't know about it at the time, but I found out after the fact. Thankfully it didn't take too long to find. Secondly, my maid of honors dress never came in. She ended up not being in the wedding for a few reasons; it wasn't based just on the fact that she didn't have a dress. It was a whole other stressor entirely. Lastly, the DJ almost didn't show up. He called a few hours before the wedding saying that he wasn't feeling well and that he might not show up. He didn't even have a backup person! Needless to say we were scrambling trying to found out some sort of back up plan. Thankfully he did end up coming and he seemed to be doing ok?? I don't really know because I was busy focusing on other things (obviously). But we had music!

Overall, the wedding was fun and beautiful. It was an amazing day. I love my husband.

We left the next day for Italy! For our honeymoon, we went on a cruise. It was amazing! Getting there was rough. We had an 11 hour flight to Paris and then we were meant to take another flight to Rome. We got there with maybe 30 minutes to get to our next flight. Once we got there, they said our flight was cancelled, so we had to wait 7 hours in the airport! Which I know probably isn't the worst thing, but we had already been up for the past 24 hours and we were hungry and there was nowhere to get food at the airport other than a pastry place. So, not much. We called the hotel to make sure that everything was fine and to ensure that there would be someone there to check us in. Turns out, they didn't have our reservation! So we had to figure out a new place to stay while chillin in the Paris airport. We worked it out and got on the plane to Rome. Overall, we were up for probably 36 hours. Insane. We got to stay in Rome for a day and sightsee Rome. We had yummy food and saw pretty much every amazing site. The Vatican was by far the best. There was so much art and beauty. You could stay in one room the whole day. Plus, we were the last tour group of the day so there was no one behind us!

Once we got on the cruise, it was smooth sailing (pardon the pun). It was amazing. We had an ocean view and a spacious room. There was free ice cream and an amazing buffet with any kind of  food you wanted. They had fun water slides, pools, and hot tubs. The places we visited were fun and beautiful. There was so much amazing food. We travelled for a week on the cruise. When the cruise was over, we had one more day before our flight. We went to a hotel in a small town where pretty much no one spoke English. There were no tourists and it was so calm and serene. Absolutely amazing. We lounged by the pool and ate more food. 

The day we left a nightmare. The check in for our flights was malfunctioning, so majority of people were not able to check in to their flight. As a result, we spent forever in line just trying to check our bags. Thankfully we were able to check in to the flight and only had to check bags, but it was still an hour wait to just check our bags. We had to speed through security. Once on the plane, we had to be delayed on the tarmac (which was not fun because we only had an hour layover in Paris). We eventually made it Paris, but we only had 10 minutes to get to our new terminal and we still had to go through customs. Thankfully a person at the airline new of our predicament and let us and the other people catching the same flight, skip the line at customs. They literally had to hold the plane for us. We had also basically accepted the fact that we were not going to get our bags. However, my amazing husband had the clever idea to put air tags in our bags, so we were able to check if our bags made it. So with great fear and anxiety, we checked, and miraculously they had made it! 

Another 11 hour flight was ahead of us and overall it wasn't terrible. I started to get tired the last two hours and started to feel stiff and uncomfortable. We eventually made it back home with all of our things.

Since then, we have been enjoying the married life. 

I have worked through changing my name (omg literally the worst) as well as trying to figure out my California teaching certificate. That has also been interesting because the laws and explanations for that have been quite confusing. While that is being figured out, I have been subbing at 2 schools. That has definitely been an adjustment for sure. But it is pretty chill compared to actually teaching. 

Overall, life lately has had it fills of confusion, frustration, and fun. (We also got Disney passes which has been absolutely crazy but so much fun.

Hope you are well. Until next time.

J xx

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