I Blew Lot's of Money!

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So, this past week was Halloween. Me being the loser I am did not go to any raggers. I don't know if I'd even go to one if I was invited.They just don't seem like they'd be that much fun. It just seems like a good situation to be in if you want to be put in a bad situation. I can have fun without having to go to a party, which I did. I did have some Halloween plans. A few of my friends and I went to a dorm and made caramel apples and watched The Proposal. If you have not seen it, then you need to go watch it. It is so good. After that, I went with my friend to get chick-fil-a. Chick-fil-a is always a great idea. (Is it just me or does chick-fil-a always sounds better on Sundays?) 

After going to get food, we went back to her dorm and relaxed and had a good talk. It was a good time. It doesn't take much to have a good time. All you need is good company. But I am the type of person that doesn't need much to entertain me. Soon, her roommate came back from a Halloween party, which supposedly didn't go well. There were various problems and it ended with people getting left behind or emotionally hurt. 

Once her roommate calmed down we just walked around campus and had a great time. We hung out till 3 in the morning! I was tired but not as tired as I was expecting to be. I got to sleep in for a bit because my class the next day didn't start till 1, so thankfully I didn't have to get up early. I do; however, feel super tired right now. Maybe its all catching up with me.

Now, something crazy happened. Well nothing super crazy, but it's crazy to me.   

The friends I was hanging out with on Wednesday are going to a twenty one pilots concert. Now, I love twenty one pilots. I have been listening to them for a long time. Somehow my friend got me to buy a ticket for the twenty one pilots concert she is going to. So,I impulsively bought a ticket. The concert is in like 5 days! I am super excited! I hope it turns out great and not a waste. I can't imagine that it would be a waste but you never know. It will be my first concert. This seems like a pretty good first concert. 

Also, the world is so small. I was walking back to my dorm about to go to bed and a girl in my hall, who is also a friend, was going to her room with a few people to watch a movie. She asked me join and I did. All the girls were super nice and I had a great time. I found out that one of the girls I just met is going to the same twenty one pilots concert! How wild is that! Such a small world. 

Overall, this week has been really good. I spent it with good company. The only downside is that I had a lot of schoolwork to do and I had no motivation to do it. I did end up getting it done. I still have to turn in an essay, but I am having a friend look at it first. This week I have been in a weird mindset. I'm not sure how to explain it. It's just been a weird week. A weird but good week. I still got things done and had a good time. I could use more sleep, but I always feel like I could use more sleep. 

I hope your week was good and I hope that this next week will continue to be better for both you and me.

If you have not listened to twenty one pilots I highly recommend. 

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