Some Good News

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Life lately has been a little weird. Things have been both good and tough at the same time. My husband has been trying to find a new job for a while, although that has been proving to be difficult. Whoever claims that "people are urgently hiring right now" is lying.

I have been spending my time substitute teaching for 2 schools. I have been able to work most days and it hasn't been too bad. There have been a few bad classes here and there, but so far nothing too insane I suppose. 

However, a few days ago, my husband got an offer for a job! Yay! It has been quite exciting. He will be starting a few weeks, so he has some time. As a result, we have been looking for a new place to live. We have currently been living with the in-laws to save some money and give us some time to figure out what to do with our lives. Since we have been living with the in-laws, it has been hard to make it feel like we are a new married couple. We have been blessed given our situation; however, there have been certain parts of it that have been hard. 

It'll be exciting once we have our own place and can actually feel like a married couple. Even though we have exciting things coming our way, it is still a bit scary. We will have to worry about being able to pay rent and be financial stable. Very scary. 

Any change can be different. Lately, my husband has been able to take on small jobs that he does from home and we have been able to spend plenty of time together. However, with his new job, that will change. He will be going into the office. We have to figure out that good work like, individual time, and couple time. It will be interesting to juggle and I can't help but be a little worried. 

I know it is all normal, but change is so scary! I also hope that he enjoys what he will be doing. It will just be weird not having him around all the time. I am thankful and glad for the good news. It just means change. 

It is interesting trying to figure out life in a new place and new people. This one is short, but it is an exciting update that I wanted to share! I hope you are all doing well.

Until next time.

J xx

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