Life Changes Coming Fast

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So I know that I literally just had a life update, but here comes another one (as well as the feelings that come along with it). 

As a newly married couple, you are going to be trying to figure out life together. You are beginning to form that newly married life. A cool and fun (but also scary) is trying to figure out a home. My husband and I have been looking into apartments to live in that tick all the boxes. Needless to say, it has been difficult. It's crazy how expensive things are! And it feels like it will just keep going up!

With all that being said, my husband and I did find a great place the other day. We took a tour of the apartments (because there is no way we can afford house-in this climate no way). We absolutely loved it! It hit every box we were looking for. The apartment complex was beautiful, it was in our price, and it was a great neighborhood. There were a few other small things we were hoping for, but I won't bore you with the details. 

We applied for the apartment and are in the process of getting approved. Hopefully it all works out. The only scary thing is that we would be moving in pretty fast in order to lock in the price we are looking for. So on the one hand, we can finally have a place of our own and make it ours. On the other hand, we are going to paying a rent and making sure that we have the money to live comfortably. 

It is so hard when there are smart decisions and good decisions. My husband and I have been debating if we should stay with the in-laws to save some money, but it is also hard to be a newly married couple and live with the in-laws. Plus, there is a never ending time period of how much money you could be saving. Like how much is enough? You never have enough money. 

Overall, it is very exciting to get a place of our own, but still scary. I am not sure how the approval process will go. There are so many things that need to be just right. It would be sad to have all this hope of getting it for it to just not get approved. It just seems like it is the perfect place and we are just praying that it all works out. 

Moving in would be crazy because we have a lot of stuff. I have this idea of what I would want a place to look like and things just never turn out how you want them to in your head. Plus, it is not just my place, but also my husbands. So we have to figure out a theme and everything together. Then you have to contend with how much it all costs. I know you can make something look good without necessarily spending tons of money. It feels like everything is so expensive. Also, when it comes to apartments, you obviously have restrictions on what you can put on the walls and painting and that sort of thing. But you can still make a place look good. 

I'm just so excited and nervous at the same time. I just had to write about it. Here is to hoping and praying that it all works out.

Until next time,

Jess xx

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