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*Evie's P.O.V*

"You make it very hard for me to be upset with you when you insist upon being so clingy and little," Lady Dimitrescu informs me. I furrow my eyebrows as I lean back to look at her.

"I not little," I protest at her words, pouting slightly. She was not being very nice calling me little and I was going to tell her that. In a little bit of course, when she forgot about the fact that she was upset with me for disobeying her.

"I'm sure that you think that you're not little but you very much are very little. You needing to be carried just confirms that," Lady Dimitrescu states. I didn't ask her to carry me around, she had chosen to do that so I didn't see how she was going to use that against me. I sulk at her words, my lower lip sticking out slightly as I make eye contact with her.

"Do not pout, little one," Lady Dimitrescu adjusts her hold on me, letting me rest on her hip as she smooths my hair back. I continue to pout at her, even going so far as to push her hand away.

"No touching," I say sternly as I use my free hand, since I don't have to worry about falling, to wag my finger in her face.

"I can't touch your hair?" Lady Dimitrescu asks as she arches an eyebrow. I shake my head slightly, a small frown on my lips.

"You can touch your hair, not mine," I say firmly as I nod my head, a small smile on my lips when she rolls her eyes slightly. It's only the slightest eyeroll, barely noticeable but I certainly notice. I sulk as I hide my face against her shoulder. She carries me somewhere. I only peek out of my hiding spot when she opens a door and then shuts it behind us.

We're in her study so I look around, wondering why we're here. Lady Dimitrescu tries to set me down but I cling onto her dress so she settles on sitting down in her chair before setting me on her lap. She sets me so that I'm facing her which I'm fine with. It's fun to see how far back I can lean without falling all the way back.

"You're going to hurt yourself little one, you can not always count on me to catch you," Lady Dimitrescu says after about the fifth time of catching me. I pout at her, a small frown on my lips.

"Not little one, 'm Evie," I mutter, earning a soft coo from her as she lifts me up. She lets me stand on her lip as her finger rests under my chin as she looks over me.

"Of course Evie," Lady Dimitrescu agrees, making me smile slightly.

"Why do you keep saying I am a little one though?" I ask curiously, pausing to look at her. I nibble my bottom lip when she seems to hesitate. Is it something bad? Is that why she won't tell me?

"It's just a nickname for you darling, it's not meant to upset you. I call you little one because you do tend to behave like a few of the regressors I've seen," Lady Dimitrescu starts to explain, chuckling when my eyebrows furrow in confusion at her words. I pout at her chuckling, upset that she was daring to laugh at me. I continue to pout at her even as she she gives me an apologetic look.

"What is a regressor?" I ask slowly, hoping that she would actually explain it and not just leave me in confusion.

"A regressor is someone who mentally regresses at times. You are a regressor darling, even if you haven't realized it. I imagine you quite like how I treat you when I carry you around and treat you like you're a young kid?" Lady Dimitrescu asks after a moment and I furrow my eyebrows before slowly nodding.

"Only a little of times, just a little bit," I agree after a moment, making her smile softly.

"Yeah? Only a little bit?" she asks as she raises an eyebrow. I pause at her question, furrowing my eyebrows slightly.

"Okay, a little bit more than a little bit," I finally agree, making her smile.

"Well I am glad you enjoy it. I was hoping that you would," Lady Dimitrescu asks. "I shall have the Duke bring you a book that can explain it to you more in depth. I have never had a regressor around that I've had to explain it to," she says softly as she runs her fingers through my hair. I cuddle into her with a small smile on my lips.

I flinch when the phone rings, Lady Dimitrescu's hand moving to rest on my back as I stare at the phone that so evilly decided to ring. Her thumb presses into my back slightly as she moves it in a small circle as she answers the phone.

"Mother Miranda," Lady Dimitrescu says, the name making me flinch into Lady Dimitrescu even more. I didn't know much about any of this regression stuff but something told me that Mother Miranda wouldn't be nice to me about it. Thankfully Lady Dimitrescu doesn't mention it as she speaks to Mother Miranda, just continuing to rub my back as I sit there.

Eventually I get bored of sitting and wriggle to get down, smiling at Lady Dimitrescu when she obliges my quiet request by carefully setting me down on the ground. I try to wander away to go explore the full part of her study that I had barely looked at but she blocks it by moving one of her feet. I pout at her rudeness, daring to glance up at her and whine to show my disapproval.

Lady Dimitrescu simply raises an eyebrow, nodding her head in the other direction. I huff as I try to dart past her in the direction I want to go but she just moves her leg so that I can't. Her stupid long legs were cheating! It wasn't my fault that I was so little and she was so tall.

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