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... Footsteps echoed through the hotel walls, a musical tune being whispered.

The hotel keys swung around Ojs finger as he made his way to the kitchen. His eyes darted around the hall, searching for any anomalies. The time was 3AM, and most of the eliminated contestants were either sleeping or.. maybe chatting to one another.

As Oj arrived at his destination,  he looked out the window, a subtle smile on his face as droplets of rain hit the solid glass window. Nights like these were always peaceful.  There was an absolutely beautiful lookout of the island and the city across.. the trees.. the emerging blossoms.. the shuddering leaves.. and.. lightbulb?
Ojs eyes would widen as he spotted lightbulb sitting under a tree and reading a book in an attempt to sheild herself from the harsh rain coming down on her.. Ojs expression then softens, a gole forming in his heart.. he couldn't just leave her out there. She could've caught.. something!

..all of the remaining contestants for that manner. Oj let out a sigh, making his way towards the hotel doors. Slowly, he used his keys to unlock the door, only to be hit with heavy rain. The hotel manager winced; covering himself with an arm as his shirt dampened.

"Hey..hey! Lightbulb!"
He called out; grabbing the girls attention. She'd look over at Oj, squinting ever so slightly. Shortly after, It was then she'd smile, noticeable dimples forming.


I'd call out, making out his face through the rain. It was nice having someone check up on me.. it got soooo boring talking to the remaining contestants. I couldn't take it anymore! "What are ya' doing out here, 'guy? It's freezing, dude!" I called, a goofy grin on my face as I stood, the sound of mud slushing beneath my feet ringing in my ears.

"That's what I should be asking you!"
Oj countered with a sigh as he stepped further outside to look around. He then noticed knife, baseball, and suitcase in a deep sleep under a large oak tree. Thunder shook the ground, startling both oj and i.

"You guys should come inside. It's not safe out here.. besides, paintbrush and the others would love to see you.."

My eyes flickered towards Oj before back at the hotel behind him.
"..they're still there?"

"Yeah, of course! So.. you comin'?"

"Is that even a question? Of course!"
I spoke with a large smile, absolutely giddy.

It took only a few minutes for oj to gather the remaining contestants, who were pleased to be let into the hotel. I mean, who wouldn't be? Oj offered each of them some warm tea.. except for knife.. he preferred coffee.. of course. He just loves to be different,  doesn't he?

Moving on; each of the contestants fell asleep in different areas of the hotel.

Lightbulb sat soundly on the couch, looking at the flickering screen ahead as she sipped her tea.. it was nice being in the hotel. Unfortunately, this didn't solve how she felt about being on the show.. this.. would have long term Affect of course. A sigh left her lips before she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. It was oj checking up on her. He was always the most caring both on and off the show. Who didn't enjoy his hospitality?

She cracked a smile, Joyce.

"..you alright, lightbulb? You seem down in the dumps. Wanna talk..?"

"..Ah' I'm fine. I'm just thinking."
Said the bulb; her gaze shifting onto Ojs' worried expression. ".. Right." Oj narrowed his eyes.

"Well; I do have this.. thing set up!.. paper and i made this little.. counciling room! Maybe in the morning you can swing by? Our hotel members have been feeling extremely calm lately.. even trophy."
Oj chuckled, placing both hands on his hips. Lightbulb laughed along with the beverage; before it died down, she ended with a sigh. "Mm.. Good idea! Maybe I will!" She chuckled softly, giving oj a reassuring look.

"Alright, alright.."
Oj sighed, patting her back.
"Get some rest. Take care. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

Lightbulb gave a nod, leaning back and resting her head against the couch.. oj was right.

She really did need some sleep...


HIII COLE HERE!.. heads up, there will be NO lightbrush in this book. It'll be platonic, if anything!

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