☆ CH.11 ☆

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       Paintbrush groaned as they pryed their eyes open, letting out quite an uncomfortable grunt as they came to their senses. their body was awfully sore, and a raging headache was already forming.. "shit.." they'd muttered under there breath, looking off to their side. there lied yang, sleeping, undisturbed. a faint smile found its way on paintbrushes face, before it was wiped away by a lingering sense of remorse.. their eyes examined yang, especially  the love bites and marks on his chest. The brush groaned, making their way over to a nearby drawer. since they couldn't find their own; they took one of yang's shirts, quickly tkhrowing it on before brewing themselves as cup of tea. they'd gaze out of the window, a low hum emerging from their throat. it didn't take long, but paintbrush could hear faint grumbling from behind them. "Awake..?" Paintbrush began; cocking a brow. yang narrowed their eyes, adjusting to the sudden intrusion of sunlight. he'd pull the sheet over his chest,  silently recalling the events from the night before. as it all came crashing down on him, his face would flush red, grunting.
"The hell was I thinking.." he mumbled to himself, looking around the room. silence filled the small area.

"So.." paintbrush hummed.. "Had your fun? I bet."
-"Oh shut up 'brush. ain't nobody enjoyed this.."
-"Thats not what it sounded like last night.." Paintbrush muttered, taking a sip from their cup. yang scoffed, letting out a growl. "unbeliveable.." he hissed, pausing. Upon seeing his own shirt on paintbrushes body, his expression softened. "paintbrush.. why does.. this whole thing make us?" paintbrush gave the other a glance, their expression sofening. "..I dont like feeling used." yang mumbled. he had a point. this had to mean something. "I- I dont know why'd you want to.. well.. be with me. You're so mature and im..just..ugh.." again, a smile again crossed paintbrushes face once more. "Yang.. you know- I would love to date you.. only if you're fine with it. I understand you're going through alot right now..and i-i just.. don't want to be more of a burden, ya' know..? We dont..have to."

Yang remained silent for a moment before smiling.
"I wont mind an extra bit of comfort.." he said, a soft look in his eyes. suddenly he looked away, a smile still embedded on his face.
"hm..Right." A soft blush coated the brushes' face, before they'd turn on the news not too long after. paintbrush looked off to the side as yang began getting himself dressed, silently listening in on the report whilst drinking their green tea. yang stumbled upwards, looking into the mirror and groaning with frustration as he examined the marks that were littered above his upper body. paintbrush glanced over, with a grimace. they could feel their own marks seething over on their torso. raw claw marks pierced and foiled their skin. after snapping out of their trance, it was then a... particular article came about, recent too. More intriguing than the rest.

Yangs attention darted to the television screen,  noticing how.. Hotel OJ was mentioned.  Paintbrushes gaze immediately began to linger on the screen. It was all there,  News about the missing people, about.. cheesy. yang glanced at paintbrush, his eyes wide. They returned the look.
–"We've gotta get back to the Hotel..Now."
Paintbrush said cautiously.  Yang nodded in agreement, silently slipping on his shoes. Moments later, the two would silp into the car, the odd tension palpable.  Paintbrush decided to drive, as it would be beneficial to yang.. paintbrush started the car up and began to drive, glancing over at yang occasionally. His leg bounced up and down with Fierce anticipation. Paintbrush hated seeing yang this way, now more than ever. Maybe they actually had to take yangs words into consideration.. especially if it drove cheesy to well– suicide..

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