☆ CH. 9 ☆

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...Yang had taken the letter.
It was from paintbrush. they'd invited yang to an area far from the hotel, in the city. yang scoffed, they both had just got back from the city, and now they're going back? this was beyond exhausating. yang had the urge to decline, he shouldve. but...paintbrush was only trying to help. it would be rude to decline. so, with conflicting emotions battling deep within yang, he read the note at its entirety.

'Dear yang.
i know you're going through a hard time, and i just know you feel absolutely devistated. i know you think i cannot hep you, but, at the very least let me try. what is going on in the hotel is terrifying. others such as the cherries have nowhere else to go, and the season is still going on for others, so its not like we can leave. but everyone deserve a breather every once in a while. i am not against you yang, and i promise, if we talk we'll be able to find yin and tissues together. losers stick together, Right? with that said, meet me at OS St. i thought going to a lovely resturant would ease tension between us and provide us a nice meal. please, dress appropriately for the occasion. we dont want to draw any unwanted attention so please, listen to me.

Love; paintbrush'.

yang grumbled under his breath, he wanted to find a reason to be mad, to feel anything but the warmth, frustration, and love flaring up in his heart. he closed his eyes and inhaled sharply, biting down his bottom lip. he could taste the slight blood trickling down his lower lip. with that, he made his choice. hastily yang moved towards his closet. what would be an appropriate thing to wear during this occasion? as much as he hated to, he wanted to respect paintbrushes wishes, it was the least he could do for them. with a roll of the eyes, yang dug in the back of his closet. yang always liked trying new things, especially when it came to clothing. it was then he thought back on an outfit he hadn't worn in quite a while, due to a bit of embarrassment and, well..shame.. it was a red dress, soft, long. yang winced at the formality. He internally cringed at himself as his gaze fell upon it. despite this, he decided to take a more feminine approach for the night. why not mix things up a bit? Yang never minded trying something new.

it took yang a bit to slip on the dress and grow custom to it. it was a little too tight for his liking, but he digressed, and decided to hold his complaints for later. it was a.. change, thats for sure. this was a strong contrast from the way he'd usual dress... baggy shirts, baggy pants, and hoodies. Before leaving his room he struggled to put his hair into its updo style due to the urgency of getting to the address paintbrush advised him to meet them at.

his door creaked open. yang scanned the interior of the hotel. the halls? empty. perfect. yang let out a low hum as she snatched Oj's key from the coat hanger. of course, he took the car to the city. there was no way he would walk to the city and back. Before he left, he took a glance at the mirror and sighed, rolling his eyes.

 Before he left, he took a glance at the mirror and sighed, rolling his eyes

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