《 CH. 3 》

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Ch. 3

   The next few days that had passed were all the same. For yang, at least. The boy wouldn't leave his room, though keeping a close eye on lightbulb and Yin in the process. Though he and Yin didn't always get along, they were brothers and.. they just had to care for one another.
The time was 7 P.M, the aroma of a Freshly baked meal strirring throughout the room. Silently yang watched from his solemn room, accompanied by the occasional tick of the clock. The hotel residents made their way down the hall bickering and laughing with one another,  Looks of pure glee contorted on their faces. 'Course, all that would fade once yang enters the scene.  No worries though. Yang and become custom to this kind of treatment.  He threw many challenges and ruined his brothers opportunity at becoming who he dreamt of one day. Yang couldn't say the others were wrong for acting out.


I'd  untie the filthy apron from around my waist, taking off my gloves as lightbulb served each contestant their meals, which they seemed happy with. Delighted even! With my cooking expertise,  and lightbulbs amazing help, we were unstoppable!.. But.. lightbulb had been acting a bit strange since receiving all this attention. She carved being ..well..better. she never thought she was at her limit, which– wasn't bad! But slight concerning. No worries! My gaze then shifted onto the door of yangs room, which was slightly creaked open from the crisp wind. My expression softens ever so slightly.  He must've been hungry! I'd smile, looking back at the others before making my way to yangs room. Slowly, I'd open the door,  only to see yang on his computer,  silently mumbling something to himself As he typed away at the searchbar. My lips curled slightly as I awkwardly knocked on the side of the door, catching yangs attention. His eyes would narrow at the sight of me, his hand meeting the back of the computer and slamming it shut. At this point, I was too tired to even ask.

"What the hell do you want, yin..."
He'd mumble, sitting up. I'd nervously approach, handing him the plate of food.

"..You sure you don't wanna eat out there with me and the others. ?" I'd ask, a tinge of care and a pinch concern in my voice.

"..Yeah "
Yang simply replied, his expression dull yet soft.
"..Just..talk to me if you feeling some kind of way..alright?"
"..yeah, whatever."
"Yin.." yang growled at me as I chuckled nervously,  I'd pat yang's head ever so softly before learning the room

When yin left the room, chatter and laughter echoed throughout the hall from each of the contestants. An uneasy feel washed though him as a hand suddenly turned him around  It was lightbulb..!

"..Yin, they really love the food!.. I've been.. brainstorming how to make it even better.  We could do better, right?"

She spoke quickly, with urgency in fact. bags rested under her eyes as her fingers dug into yins shoulder, causing severe discomfort.

"I- I mean..yeah-"
"Can you help me yin? It'll be quick.."
"..I mean..sure! I better bring yang, I always-"
"There's no time for that."
Lightbulb would cut him off, furrowing her brows. She'd then drag yin out of the hotel, a chill running down the Twins spine as the cold air hit him hard... The two were severely underdressed.. What had gotten into lightbulb all of a sudden?

..yin, absent-mindedly looked up at a star and pointed..
"What a pretty one, huh?"

his words were met with nothing but silence as the The girl dragged yin towards a familiar vending machine, causing him to cock his head

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..his words were met with nothing but silence as the The girl dragged yin towards a familiar vending machine, causing him to cock his head.

"O-oh.. you know about this silly old thing too? Test tube kinda..left it for the taking I guess?"
Yin spoke as lightbulb punched in the code, looking around to ensure nobody was present. Then, she shoved yin into the tunnel, sending him tumbling forward. With a gasp, yin landed on his side, groaning in pain as he slowly sat up. Lightbulb looked down at him, a hindered smile growing on her lips.

"W-why are we-"
"You agreed to help me.. right? Thats all you're doing.."
She whispered, her words dripping with an untrustworty spite. and that's when yin noticed the small spark of light illuminating from lightbulbs back pocket. fear corsed throughout the boys body, as the sudden realization hit him like a bullet train. Time seemed to stop as Lightbulbs hand crept to her back pocket, and that's when yin jerked back his eyes wide as his breathing quickened.

"L-lightbulb, what are you doing- y-youre better than this.."
"I'll make it quick. It's not like I'm gonna kill ya'.. you're.. helping me. Like a good friend should."

Yin quickly rose to his feet, running through the lab in the direction opposed to lightbulb. Tears stung the corner of his eyes, threatening to fall as he ran, he screamed for help, his cries only resonated by an echo. yin would stumble to grab his phone from his pocket as he heard the sound of a knife grazing the wall behind him, running through the filthy cracks that adorned the lab.  As yin called yangs phone, he grabbed an empty glass, and hid under a table as he practically begged yang, though silently,  to pick up.

After a few failed attempts, yang picked up. The service was unsteady, as yin desperately tried to speak, only sobs and whimpers escaping his mouth. As yang spoke though the phone, it's occasionally cut off.. lightbulb was getting closer, and there was little to no time. The last thing yin heard from yang caused him to freeze, the hope slowly being sucked from his very being.

'Yin? Yin you're making no sense! I'm too tired for this..'

As yang hang up, a Shockwave of fear fell upon yin. He was in this alone. As quickly as it came, it went, just like that. Silently cursing under his breath, he'd slowly sit up and begin to wander through the empty lab. It was dead silent. All noises had stopped, and Yin was only left with the occasional flicker of the light in which illuminated the dimly lit room. His breathing was hasty and unsteady, tears trickling down his flushed cheeks. why was lightbulb doing This..? What did yin ever do to deserve such treatment? Blinded by his own kindness, yin was taken advantage of more than once. And this just had to be one of those times. Right?

..yins hand skied against the cold walls as he let out a shaky breath, ready for escape. Just as he began running for the exit, a hand snaked its way onto yins mouth, suppressing his screams. Yins noises were cut off by a sharp blade thrusting into his back, right near his spinal cord. His breath would hitch, his fingers twitching lightly as tears ran down his cheeks. The glass he was holding fell and shattered, as he gasped for air. Whilst the knife squirmed and twisted in his flesh, yin screamed with pure agony as the blade left his back. Yin collapsed, blood falling from his lips as he Clung onto dear life.

"No, no yin.. i know it hurts right now, but look at me. It'll be okay.."

Lightbulb hushed the sobbing boy, tears mixing  with  the red, metallic blood that pooled beneath him. With a sudden burst of strength,  lightbulb grabbed Yin by the arm, dragging him into one of the empty, cold rooms tainted with roaches and spiders, Cobwebs in almost every corner of this room.

Yin was thrown onto the ground ad he gasped for air, holding onto the wond as lightbulb acquired a rope, slowly approaching yin with a sadistic gleam in her eyes. she soon sit yin up and tie his hands up to a broken pipe that bulged from the ceiling.  Slowly but surely, lightbulb tended to yins wounds, not like it was doing anything major to stop the bleeding. It was a temporary advancement.

"Shame I had to immobilize you. This could've went so much smoother."
Her words dripped with a dangerous venom, tightening the bandages on yins side as she lifted up this shirt. Yin struggled to keep his eyes open, his vision fading in and out, the last thing being heard was lightbulbs shallow breaths.

'Our meals will finally  be complete. Thank you, yin..'

She whispered, as a singular tear left yins eye before he fell unconscious.  Lightbulbs gaze slowly trailed to yins phone. Before he opened yangs contact and texted back..

'Hey, yang! I'm fine...everything's resolved now.'

..and with that, she'd shatter yins phone into small pieces that flew through the room. Her hungry gaze landed on Yin before mumbling..

'Sleep tight.'

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