☆ Ch. 12 ☆

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As I follow lightbulb outside, I noticed that she was being sneaky..I mean, why shouldn't she be? that backstabbing bitch is far from Innocent, and I know it. As she approached the vending machine, I squint to catch a better look at what she was doing.. Her hands grazed over few bushes and leaves behind the machine before grabbing a..crowbar..?
My eyes widen, and my breath hitches. The bar had a red tint to it, one that was impossible to ignore. And suddenly, she disappeared into the machine. I particularly remember the day yin and I were sucked in. Test tubes lab. How had I not thought about it? I felt so stupid, like an idiot! For fucks sake, where else could she had hid him? Before the tube could close, I made a run for it, diving inside last second.

It was eerily quiet. Yang bit his lower lip and winced, a soft hum emerging from the lab, the walls making the noise easy to echo throughout the room. Yang lied low, creeping around the lab stealthily. He followed where the humming origanated from, and there she was. Lightbulb now had a white coat on, stained with crimson marks and battle scars. The thing looked like it had went through hell and back, not to mention the stench of the room.. it almost made Yang vomit, but he held it down. She sharpener her knives, sparks flying from the tip. Shuffling could be heard from another angle of the room, Yangs eyes widened. His head whipped around to where the noise originated from; almost sounded like heavy breathing, mixed with ripe sobs. Before Yang could investigate, lightbulb turned around. Just in the nick of time and ducked around a corner, the twins chest rapidly rising and falling. When his breathing pattern fell back to its normal pace, he could hear her crowbar drag across the floor, a knife embedded in her pockets. Yang had the urge to follow her, but instead, curved into the room she was previously in.

Hurriedly, he snatched the folders from the desk and flipped through it. There were two folders, one for Recipes, and the other for.. ingredients.

Yang narrowed his eyes, blinking twice, quickly skimming through the folder labeled 'Ingredients'.

In this case, the ingredients were only contestants from the hotel. Yang felt sick to his stomach.. Upon further inspection, he could see one too many names inside..even the cherries.

Yang tensed, a chill running up his spine. She was a psychopath.. A low ringing; he could hear in his ears. It lingered longer as he stared at those ingredients. The low ringing continued for a moment too long; so long that the sudden sharp scream was just nearly caught by his ears. The scream was blood curdling, it even made Yang himself jolt.. his eyes widened as he looked around the table, grabbing a pipe of his own before making his way to where those cries origanated from. As he peaked his head around the corner, his heart practically dropped.

There was yin, alive, and barely holding on. Blood fell from the gash on the side of his head, his glasses crooked and cracked as he faded in and out of consciousness. Yangs eyes widen ever so slightly, his grip on the pipe tightening. While yins tear drenched blood trickles down his face, Yang, in a fit of rage could only stumble to stand, eyes narrowed slightly. Yang wasn't sure if yin could see him, but that didn't matter. Yang knew he wasn't delusional. He knew he wasn't crazy. it was only a matter of time. Lightbulbs gaze softened as she slowly approached yin with the crowbar.

"What a way to go out."
–She began.

"First it was tissues. Oh, how he begged and pleaded with cheesy and I."

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