☆ CH. 13 ☆

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-Final chapter yalls!!1! I REALLYY hope ya' enjoyed this book, because my next one will be longer and more,, better? Concept art for the next au that the end of this chapter. Xoxo, Kisses! ( ゚ 3゚)

Yang and paintbrush weren't allowed to see yin.
Not for the operation, atleast. But who they did see in the waiting room preparing to leave; were OJ and paper. Paintbrush shot up from their seat to acknowledge them, explaining their situation. Yang remained in his chair, facing the door of the operation room. Yin had to be okay.. lost in thought, yang haden't noticed paper, oj, and paintbrush approaching him. "Cheesy bearly told us anything.. the authorites.. they think tissues is dead. They couldn't find not one corpse, not even lightbulbs."

Yang could hear; Only an earshot away. So cheesy must've been around.

Paintbrush took a seat next to yang and gave a hearty smile.

"You alright there? He's gonna be fine, yins strong and you know that."
They spoke with reassurance, as oj and paper mumbled and muttered amongst themselves.

"..I- I know he's strong, but- what if he-- what if i.." Yang sighed, falling silent. It remained like that for what felt like hours, but in reality, was only a few seconds. Paintbrush suddenly gave a soft smile, grabbing both sides of yangs head gently, pulling him into a gentle kiss. Yang tensed up but didn't attempt to pull away, but simply embraced it. After a second or two more, paintbrush pulled away, leaving yang embarrased and somewhat oddly frusturated. Oj snickered before looking over at the two.

"Who could've guessed..'
Said oj with his snarky remark, receiving a sharp nudge in his side from paper. Oj winced, groaning. It was only a matter of time before The door opened, allowing two people inside. Paper glanced at yang and paintbrush before smiling.

"We'll catch up with you two at the hotel.. hopefully Yin and cheesy makes a swift recovery."
And with that said, paper grabbed ojs hand and went their seperate ways.

Yang and paintbrush made their way into the small room. As paintbrush observed yin, he could see numerous stitches and bandages covering his body: but all in all; he looks fine, with minor internal damage. Maybe he seemed a bit sick, but that was only another obstacle they had yet to overcome.

"Hey! Guys.."

Yin smiled softly, waving at them both before raising a brow.

"So.. you two are a thing, huh?"
Yin said with enthusiasm, his eyes lit up at the idea. Paintbrush gave a slow nod as yang kept silent.

-"..Yang.. what's wrong? I'm fine.."

"I know you are.. i..hope you are. I-i just-"
-"...This isn't about me. It's over, yang.. im alright. N-now.. tissues. Is he here? With me? In the other room? "

The silence lingered throughout the room, emitting a sigh from yang.

"I-.. yin..hes.. hes gone."

Yin froze from a moment, his smile fading. It.. was a hard watch.

"Not..forever, right?" Yin murmured through tears, his body tense. His heart rate increased rapidly.

"I'm sorry- So sorry."
Paintbrush muttered, avoiding eye contact from yin. "Lightbulbs gone. She's not here to harm anyone anymore. We're all safe.."
Tears left yins eyes as he mustered up the courage to nod.

"Y-youre right.. atleast hes.. at rest. Lightbulb was horrible to us down there. Especially tissues.. A-and I couldn't do anything about it, I felt so helpless.."
As yin went on, both paintbrush and yang winced, waves of sympathy and disgust coursing from them both.

But.. everything was over. They'd no longer have any fears or worries.

It wouldn't take too long for yin to recover, though his body endured multiple surgeries and stitches. The cherries almost cried out with joy when yin came home; and only a few weeks after, cheesy had.. The days felt shorter, now, more enjoyable and relaxed. Yang even began to interact with others more. Of course, he had not given up cigearettes. Not yet. A small grave decorated with flowers was set for tissues. Every week, they'd give a flower up. Especially yin.

One day, test tube was only organizing her things.. and then she remebered the lab. She still had some un-used equipment down there. Why not retrieve it it wasn't like she was ever going to be down there.

And so, she made her way down to the lab, the stench immediately hit her. He huffed, silently gathering her things.. and then, she stepped on something..moist, yet... dry.

Slowly, the girl turned around, noticing crimsion red blood marks.. spelling out letters- no, a sentence on the wall. Chills ran up her spine, she dropped the box of glass tubes and supply glass shattered beneath her feet, but she had little to no care.

'This won't ever be over.'
-Yours truly, lightbulb.

F I N. ☆


/N 》 WOAHHH 4 MONTHS OF WRITUNG THIS SHIT IS CRAZY 😒 anywhoha, TSIOL, my next book, will be better, Plot wise and art wise!!1! and spelling wise inmm dyslexic as fuck yall bear with me 😞

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