☆ CH. 10 ☆

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CH. 10 ☆

As Yang pulls into the driveway of the hotel Oj, he and paintbrush hop out. with a light thud, their feet meeting the cold soil beneath themselves. it was late, but the lights were on. yang and paintbrush exchanged a look before entering the hotel catiously. there was Oj, conversating with paper on their red couch. the two's eyes flickered to both yang and paintbrush, their gazes lingering for longer than needed or intended, studying them closely. "You guys..." paper started, only to trail off at the end. -"stealing my car to go on a damn date? i'll let it slide this time, but I dont want to see it happen again." Oj's gaze shifted onto paintbrush. "Out of all people here, yang?"
"I-it wasn't a date!" yang objected, fury in his eyes, but there lingered a hint of both fluster and frustration. paintbrush nodded with agreement, adverting their gaze. yang threw himself onto the couch, arms crossed.

"Has anything come out about yin..?"
silence filled the room as Oj looked away, his head shaking slowly.

yang mumbled before sighed. he'd refuse to let any vulnerability of his show, not here. not now.. instead, Yang lit a smoke,placing the stick between his fingers. paper scotted closer to Oj, avoiding the toxins emerging from the lit cigarette

"so,"- Yang started. "Why are you two up." asked yang, exhaling smoke through his nose. paintbrush gently nudged yang, urging him to put the cigarette out. A low growl emerged from yang's throat, but strangely, he complied. paintbrush let out a sigh before leaning against the doorframe. paper, seeming more comfortable with the atmosphere would give a gentle smile.
"well- as you two might know.. cheesys birthday is tomorrow! and we just thought it would be a nice gift to celebrate our comedians' lovely day!" Paper spoke with peak enthusiasm, and Oj nodded in agreement. "That's very thoughtful of you two.." Paintbrush chuckled, looking down at the bags of decor scattered around the room. "How long have you two been planning this?" "About a week now.." Oj chuckled to himself, lost in thought. it was then yang spoke, his voice rippling through the silence. "Do any of you even know how old that 'Pipsqueak' is." snickered yang, his eyes flashing a malicious blue. Oj scoffed; "obviously."
Oj sighed, looking up at the clock hanging on the wall. "Paper and I should start setting the party up.." Oj said, sitting up and stretching.

"Luckily, we won't have to worry about food. lightbulb will be whipping up a great cake for the party!"
Yang's eyes narrowed. he's heard enough.

"Lightbulb? but Oj -" "-Yang we've talked about this! please, not today -"
"Oh, fuck this." Yang snarled; storming off with hatred running through his veins.

"y-yang, wait-"

paintbrush followed him through the halls desperately.

"What! what do you want."
-"I promised you I'd help you.. you cant run off yang, I'm...you can talk to me."

-'Im done talking. two people are missing, and the funny thing is I only gave two shits about tissues because yin did! nothings being done about it. i'm telling you paintbrush..."
their tone softened.

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