☆ CH. 2 ☆

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☆ S M O K I N G ☆

CH. 2


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Yang yawned as he sat up, his eyes narrowing with annoyance as the sudden beam of light from his door hit him almost instantly

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Yang yawned as he sat up, his eyes narrowing with annoyance as the sudden beam of light from his door hit him almost instantly.
Yang snorted, covering his nose as the aroma of Freshly baked cake filled the air.
Yang was planning on sleeping in today, but that smell..it irked him. Yang had always had a foul disliking of cake, sweets, anything that tasted too sugary for him.. the texture.. the look of it. The thought of it.. but Enough about that. Yang sat up and stretched a bit, fixing his clothes before walking towards his large dresser. He'd open the drawers and rummage through the clothing before finding a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. he lit the cigarette with the orange flame and placed it between his lips before gazing outside the room.. yin must've been baking again. Yang would huff, taking a long drag from the cigar before putting the thing out, tossing it to a corner of the room before shoving his hands in his pockets as he left the room. The floor boards creaked beneath yangs feet as he ventured down the solem halls, the sound of chatter growing louder as he approached the living area.

Yang peaked around the corner, his brows furrowed a hunch as he observed the scene unfolding across from him. It was a surprise to see lightbulb helping out. He had heard her name mentioned during the beginning of his nap, but.. he wasn't expecting her to be so productive after being on that goddamn show for so long.  Yang turned to go back to his room, only to be met by the face of paintbrush. Or.. should I say their chest? Paintbrush was much taller than yang by a longshot. Most of the contestants actually..

Yangs gaze shifted up towards paintbrush, who looked down at him with a raised brow. The two never spoke much, and when they did, it went the same route. Every. Single. Time.

"Up from your nap, I see.." paintbrush leaned down slightly,  in order to be at eye level with yang. Yang scowled,  pushing past the individual. "..Out of my way.." Yang said, his tone low and gruff. Paintbrush was unphased, only glancing back at yang.

"And you reak of ciggerates, yang.."
Paintbrush would remark, therefore causing yang to stop dead in his tracks. They'd glare daggers at paintbrush,  turning to face them.
"..Don't mention it, you asshole.." yang barked, his fist curled into a tight ball. A frown was then etched on the other face, their arms crossing over their chest.

"I'm the asshole..?" Paintbrush fell silent for a moment before sighing. "Look, yang, I'm.. um just trying to look out for you, ya' know? Life can be.. tough sometimes-"
-"Can it 'brush! You don't know me.. you don't know anything about me."

..paintbrush sighed, unresolved tesnsion lingering in the air for a moment or two before paintbrush spoke.

"..do you..wanna talk to yin? He'll be happy to see you. You're anything but a nuisance him.." paintbrush looked away, genuine concern in their eyes.

Yang sighed..
"Small talk."
He spoke with precision. Yang made his way towards the kitchen, almost instantly blinded by the kitchen lights, his eyes adjusting to the bright setting after being in a dark room for five hours.. the man held his hand flat over his head before feeling a sudden tug on his arm. Yang growled, his head instantly snapping towards the anonymous force. His gaze would then soften as he looked down.

There they were, the cherries. Twins, like..yin and yang. Only identical, unlike yin and yang, who were fraternal. Cherri looked up at yang with a large grin while cherry held his hand. "Yang!" They'd call in sync, their little eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, directly from the heart. They were attached by the hip with yang, and would always talk to him whenever they could. Oj would say yang was a bad influence, while they'd say otherwise.
"Cherri, cherry, i-.." The man would fall silent, he was never good with kids, especially the hyper ones.

"..a-arent you two supposed to be at school..?"
"..well.."- Cherri began as he avoided eye contact with yang. "yes, but, oj said there would be a really huge storm, and- its too long of a drive from the Island to the city.."

Yang mumbled,  looking around.
"Well, you two should.. umm. Play elsewhere. Its not too safe to be in the kitchen while someone's cooking.."

The cherries frowned. Cherry then Spoke, her voice high and whiny.

"But yang! We're bored, and since we can't play outside, I don't know what to do.. Cheesy is busy, knife is sleeping, microphone is practicing a rehearsal, salt and pepper are doing one of their private fashion shows again, Nickle, baseball, balloon, and suitcase are being way too sour for our liking, bad vibes, bad vibes.. o- oh, and Oj is -"

--"Kid! Okay, look, um.." yang grabbed their hands, navigating throughout the hotel, pushing past others. Some looked back at yang. He was never great with kids, nor had he liked them as much, but for cherri and Cherry? Anything. Yang took out some of paintbrushes painting supply, fans recording equipment, and test tubes glasses she used for certain experiments.

Yang gave the small children the loaded supply, putting a hand on his hip.

"Make a mess, blow something up, prank someone even."

The cherries stared in awe at the equipment, Joyce smiles forming on their faces.
"Thank you yang!" They spoke in sync, before running away, giggling. Yang gave a subtle eye roll, turning.. Only to be face to face with yin.

He'd mumble as yins' eyes lit up.

"Yang! Oh, im, so happy to see you. How was your sleep? Are there any plans for the day?"

"..Well seeing you surely wasn't on my bucket list."
Yang chuckled, and Yin yapped on. Yins words soon become distorted, as Yang focused his line of vision onto lightbulb. She was observing the onslaught of knives sprawled out on the kitchen counter, her eyes dull and her smile gone. The atmosphere became tense as her head snapped back towards yang. Yang gasped, stumbling back before yin caught him by the sleeve..

"Woah! Yang, are you okay..? Lightheaded?"
"Oh, you've noticed! It's so refreshing to have her back.."
"N-no, shes-"
"Amazing! Come on, help us out.."

"..im..I'm good." Yang winced, running a hand through his hair as he turned to leave. He gave lightbulb one last glance, but...then he noticed that look in her eyes.


Yang didn't trust her. Not even a bit.

"Is.. is something wrong..?"
Yin placed a hand on the boys shoulder gently,  turning him around. "..Yeah, yeah! Just-..nevermind.." yang sighed. He was trying to keep his anger in check, especially since..this was his own brother and whatnot.  besides.. his additude is what got them eliminated in the first place. He never liked when others pestered him about things that couldn't be resolved.

'You seem tense-"
"I'm fine, Yin-! How about you.. go talk to theater boy you've been yapping about? Tissues was it? Ugh.. you don't even speak to him, yet you're all over him!"

Yins face flushed red as he looked away, a look of both guilt and embarrassment embedded onto his features. "Ah- n-nah. I'm good.."
Yin laughed nervously before leaving  the scene.. yang gave a small huff, glancing at lightbulb, before heading back to his room.. he really needed a shower.

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