☆ CH. 8 ☆

554 7 136



It was... A long a drive home.

It was quiet, The silence accompanied by the occasional slight coughs of yang from the cigarettes he'd been smoking on the way home. Paintbrush glanced at him. Yang usually showed no little to emotion around others, To seem stronger than he actually was.. but these two days have been something else. Paintbrush felt that they had grown closer.. and now, they could see the worry and fear in yangs eyes, something most wouldn't be able to see at first glance. his subtle glances back at his phone, his hands tightening on the wheel. It was alot. Eventually, paintbrush offered to take the wheel; Yang wasn't really..in the right mindset to drive right now. Instead, yang insisted. It worried paintbrush, but yang would be fine...

..Eventually they arrived at the hotel, taking the large amount of groceries out of the car, taking them into the hotel. Unsurprisingly, The door was locked. Either oj forgot to lock it... again, or, He knew they were coming. Upon arrival, yang dropped the groceries onto the ground with a grunt and sighed. Suddenly, he heard the patter of two pairs of feet

Cherri shouted, as cherry hugged him tightly. Yangs eyes widened slightly, wincing at the sudden contact, never had yang liked direct contact with somone not too.. close to him. Gently, cherry was pulled off. Yang forced a smile.

He grumbled, looking around the hotel. He got on one knee and smiled.

"Have you seen yin anywhere, you two?"

Cherri and cherry exchanged a glance, before looking back at yang.

Cherri and cherry exchanged a glance, before looking back at yang

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"N-no..not..since you left."
Cherry spoke with a mumble, fiddling with her crimsion hair anxiously. Yangs expression hardened, as he stood without a word. He pushed by the twins gently, storming into ojs office.
From there, the cherries could hear what sounded like back and forth arguing. Cherri glanced at cherry, who looked down with a facade of disappointment and grief.

"..Is..is yang alright?" She faced her twin; her eyes filled with sadness. Cherri sighed, nodding.

"O-of course! He just.."
Cherri trailed off, watching as cherry made her way over to ojs office, looking inside of it. There, she saw yang and Oj arguing, it was getting heated. Cherri rushed by her side, glancing at her every now and then. Silently, They listened in.

"Yins Missing Oj! How about you get up off your lazy ass, and DO a damn thing about it!"
Yang slammed both hands down on the desk, knocking over a few papers and whatnot.

"Yang, I'm doing everything I can to find yin! He'll be fine, I swear."
-"Oh really? You better swear on your fuckin' life, or-"

"God yang, could you pipe it down a noch!? I'm already under enough pressure as it is. We'll find yin.. he.. probaly ran away.."
"-He ain't got no reason to! So I refuse to belive he's done so.. but I bet I'd know who has something to do with it.."-
Yang growled, his eyes narrowing.

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