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This book contains dark themes such as murder, violence, possible cannibalism, (somewhat) graphic images, and more. Reader discretion is advised..omg I sound so fancy 🥺🤧


Rays of  sunlight would shine through the window of the hotel, the sound of chatter and laughter echoing throughout the crowded halls.
Slowly, lightbulbs' eyes would flutter open, immediately admitted to the sudden noises and light. the girl sat up right, rubbing her eyes as she looked around.. her gaze soon rested upon the carpented floor beneath her feet, her stare hazy and uneven.

 her gaze soon rested upon the carpented floor beneath her feet, her stare hazy and uneven

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It didn't take long for a low ringing noise to fill her ears. With that; she snapped back to reality almost instantly. As she scanned the room, she noticed the contestants and hotel residents chatting with one another and catching up with each other.. The sound of ojs' voice caused her to look up, a smile instantly forming on her face. the show had done a number on her.

The girl called out, her smile as bright as the rising sun. Oj smirked, placing a hand on his hip. "Someone's up early."
He would tease before his smile broadened.

He began, his expression shifting into something more serious.
"About the sessions I offered last night -"
"Yeah. Yeah! I know, I was thinking about it. Maybe just one.."

A smile bloomed on ojs face not too long after as he pulled lightbulb from her seat, who stumbled due to the quick movement.
"Well? What are we waiting for?" Said oj; with a chuckle. Lightbulb looked around before she spoke with a slight crack in her voice.

"W-wait b-..where's test tube..? Fan? Paintbrush?"
"-you'll see them later, i promise.. they're probably roaming around somewhere on the roof top..the yard, even."

....lightbulb let out a hesitant sigh before nodding. With that, she'd follow oj to a small room with many posters and pillows, a small couch being tucked in the corner of the room, across from a large bean bag. Lightbulb statered at the bean bag in awe before taking a seat on the oversized object and kicking her feet.

Oj sat across from the ecstatic girl,  who was humming softly.
"So, lightbulb -"
"Yknow oj', I don't think I need that much help. I mean- atleast not as much as the others."

She spoke with a smile, which was eerily Joyce. Oj cocked his head and let out a small.. 'Hm.' The man cleared his throat.

"Well- what do you think you need to improve with? I'm sorry, usually paper would be doing this; but he needs a break."
"It's no problem, man!" She'd smile, fanning her hand. Oj let out a chuckle as lightbulb complied not too long after.

"..I mean.. I guess I'm a bit stressed on the show. Of course, everyone was. Even our' cheeseball!" Lightbulb laughed, referring to their dear comedian cheesy.

And what exactly helps you with your stress, lightbulb?'
Oj spoke; his words drowned out by the sound of other hotel members playing about.

lightbulb looked at Oj, lost in thought before she spoke confidently.

'It has to be cooking! it.. has this certain charm, y'know?'
'Cooking..!' Oj repeated,with a wide smile, his gaze soft. He'd look out the door and chuckled. "Hey, yin loves cooking as well.. you too should work with one another, no?"

"Yinyang? Don't you think yangs..temper will be a problem.. i-i mean, I'm not judging or even complaining, but.."

"You won't have to worry about that, lightbulb."

Oj chuckled, leaning back in his seat.

"Testube had whipped up a serum to help them.. Yknow.  Seperate. It has its.. few pros and cons. But, needless to say, it's been really peaceful since!"
Oj said with pride, placing both hands on his hips.

..a smile appeared on lightbulbs face as she noticed yin over at the kitchen. The two looked so.. different individually. Yin suddenly looked back at lightbulb and gave subtle waves, a small smile on his face.

 Yin suddenly looked back at lightbulb and gave subtle waves, a small smile on his face

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".. Well, I'll take that into consideration. Yin is really nice.. good talk, oj."
Lightbulb said as she sat up from the bean bag, stretching. "Leaving already?" Oj fumbled,  looking up at lightbulb.  "Yeah!  might as well get right to cooking, y'know? I just need a bit more rest, though."
"W-well, don't burn down the kitchen! Please?"
The manager chuckled nervously, though being dead serious. "Yeah, yeah.."

With that, lightbulb sat back on the couch, when suddenly, yin came up to her.. caught off guard, lightbulb looked up nervously.

"Yin!" She'd  smile

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"Yin!" She'd  smile.  Yin smiled back before he spoke; "it's so nice to have you back at the hotel lightbulb! You'd  certainly add a certain charm to it! Other than..yangs chaotic one. Maybe you two will get along." He spoke with confidence as lightbulb listened. She nodded in agreement before mentioning; "yin- you like cooking, right?"

"Oh, yes! Why? Are you interested In it?"

"W-well..yes- yes I am! I was thinking. Maybe we should cook together? Me and you? One on one?"

"That sounds lovely!"
Yin said with a spark of excitement in his eyes, pulling lightbulb from her seat.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Oh, are-- were you about to sleep? My apologies -"
"No, no! It's fine, really! Let's get to it!"

Yin chuckled before leading lightbulb to the kitchen, talking about what had happened in the hotel by far.. lightbulb looked over at the window; where she spotted trophy and cheesy talking, the two had actually gotten along?
Lightbulb thought, as yin began taking out the pots and pans.. and some cake bater.. sweet.

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