☆CH. 7☆

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•Erm from this point on the book will get SLIGHTLY more mature if fuckin gore n' cannibalism wasn't enough for you.. NI PROOFREAD, SOWWY (^_^;)

CH. 7


...The Time was 10:30 PM.
Tissues, however, was outside taking a walk. After his little 'Condishawn' began spreading throught the hotel, Paper recommended that he take a walk, To stay active and motivated. He couldn't sit around all day! What good would that do for him?
It was eerily cold outside, despite it being about 80 degrees out. Maybe it was just him. Tissues let out an exaggerated sigh, before he stepped in something.. Squishy.
Tissues looked down to find a bloody glove.. his eyes widened, his blood quickly running cold. Sure, Tissues was used to seeing blood, but.. there was no reason for blood to be within the glove! Upon further inspection, minor blood trails led to the..vending machine?

Nobody used that thing.

With a shaking hand, Tissues picked up the glove and followed the trail out of pure curiosity. The closer the strayed, the more fear poured into his feeble heart. One hand was placed on the machine. He looked at the scratches upon the damaged metal and.. froze up. Was a wild animal lose? But..they didn't look like animal marks. They looked human. Slowly he crouched, noticing a small piece of paper labeled with a number combo.

Tissues mumbled to himself before slowly pressing the combo into the machine.
It happened so.. fast..? Tissues was sucked into the machine, sent toppling inside. It took a moment, but he quickly re-gained his composure.. the sickened boy sheepishly observed the cold room, before hearing.. a voice? One of which sounded like.. lightbulb. What was she doing here.. tissues stood up right, his footsteps light a she approached the room where the voices emerged from.. slowly, Tissues peaked around the corner.. his eyes widened as result to the obscure scene that remained in front of him.

There sat yin in the corner of the room as lightbulb lectured him, knife in hand

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There sat yin in the corner of the room as lightbulb lectured him, knife in hand. Cuts and bruises covered his being. Yin looked up, almost past lightbulb..and then..yin and tissues held eye contact for what felt like an eternity. yin gulped, blush spreading scross his face as his eyes so subtly widened. A worried look appeared on yins face as he mouthed the words.. 'Leave'. Slowly, tissues took a step back, his breathing rapid.. he ducked behind the desk, covering his mouth and breathing heavily. Suddenly, he sneezed..the room went silent. Footsteps approached the counter.

"W-wait, lightbulb.."
Yin pleaded, grabbing her wrist. Lightbulb yanked her hand away, which caused yin to stumble. He fell to his hands and knees, pushing his hair out of his face.

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