☆ CH. 6 ☆

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•There's also OVER 3000 words in this chapter, and about 5-6 comic frames! You get to see trophys design, yay?  Enjoy, because you're in for a wild ride!. ..(i got no sleep, excuse my grammatical errors because ain't no way I'm proof reading this shit. ONE TWO THREE LETS GO!!1!)

☆CH. 6☆

     Yangs eyes fluttered open as the sunlight hit his face. The man groaned, letting out a heavy sigh before running his fingers through his hair. He took a moment to inhale and collect himself for the day.
"..Yin, What time is-.."
Yang froze, his gaze shifting onto where yin..should've been at rest. Yangs brows furrowed as he cursed under his breath, his hands bawled into fist. He'd throw a T-shirt on, making his way out into the hall. Most contestants never got to see yang out of his room in the morning. He'd usually come around during the evening.

    Ojs head whipped around as he felt yangs hand tug on his shoulder.

"Yang! Pleasure seeing you at this time of day-"
"Where's yin."

Oj repeated.

"I thought he came in last night..?"

"Well he didn't! And as hotel manager, I think YOU should be able to locate every contestant-"
"-Yang, it's no problem! Maybe
he's just- you know..pulling a yang?"

...yang paused, narrowing his eyes.


"I mean- Sometimes you just wander (over yonder.)— off for days without telling anyone. Its happened so often that im- not suprised yins' doing it."
"..He'd never do anything like that. Even if he would, he'd at least tell someone.. especially me!"

Yang spoke with a hidden rage beneath his tone. How stupid could they be? What if something happened to yin? Did they think they knew more about yin than yang did? Bullshit.. then again.. those text messages.. something was up.

Before yang could say anything furthermore, Oj spoke up.

"Just give it a day."

..yang let out a slow sigh.

"...I guess "

Yangs eyes narrowed furthermore, letting out a groan.

"Also yang..could you do me a favor?"

"..Depends. What's in it for me?"

..Oj grunted..
"I'll pay you."
"..how much?"
The twin smirked. "Alright, alright. What is it?"

"Alright, I have a meeting in ten, so..I'd like you to drive the cherries into the city..to school and back."
"Sweet." Yang grinned as oj took out his keys from his pocket, they jingled relentlessly. Yang reached out for the keys, but oj suddenly pulled his hand back..
"..You..do have a license, correct?" Oj had an accusatory tone to his voice. Yangs eyes would narrow. "Yeah, yeah, just give me the-"

"Not yet, yang.. I don't know if I can't trust you alone.. how about.."

Oj looked around the living room, the kitchen, and then the hall.

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