Chapter 16

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The next morning Felix and Minho woke up around 7 in the morning. Felix was feeling much better since the incident last night. "Thanks for sleeping over Lino." said Felix.

"Of course Lix." said Minho "You're my brother. I'll always be your side, to protect and comfort you." Felix gives his brother a big hug. "Come on, let's brush our teeth get ready."

After the brothers did their morning routine and had breakfast, they were about to head out when suddenly, "Felix, may I see you for a moment?" Mr. Lee said.

"Sure dad." said Felix. He was hoping his father would apologize for his outburst last night, but he wasn't expecting what happened next.

"Happy birthday son." Mr. Lee said. Felix's eyes widened as he saw his father's birthday gift, a brand new Porche. "I know you're birthday isn't until 2 more days, but me and Mr. Bang have some very important things to take care of. We'll be gone for a few days."

"You're leaving?" Felix said, sounding disappointed that his father is going to miss out on another birthday. He's already lost count how many times it's just been him and Minho, along with Chan and Seungmin. He wasn't complaining, but he would've loved if even for 1 year, to have his parents be a part of his special day.

"Son you know I'm very busy running the business." his father says "Besides, you have Minho and your friends to celebrate with."

Both Minho and Felix wanted to say something, but they knew it would get them nowhere. So they chose not to argue with their father, even though they knew it was wrong for him to always put work before his sons.

Mr. Lee handed Felix the keys. "Thank you dad." Felix says hugging his dad while wearing a fake smile. He appreciated the gift but he would've traded it just to have his dad spend his birthday with him.

"You're welcome Felix." said Mr. Lee "Just remember, this doesn't mean you get to stay out later just because you have your car now."

"Yes dad," said Felix "I understand."

Soon after, Yung Wooyoung, Mr. Lee's personal bodyguard appeared. "Sir, we're ready to go." he says.

"Excellent." says Mr. Lee "I'll heading now. And Minho, look after your brother."

"Don't I always?" Minho felt like saying, but instead replied "Yes dad." With that, Mr. Lee and Wooyoung got into their vehicle and drove off.

"Well that didn't go like I thought it would." Felix said "I thought he would apologize for last night. Don't get me wrong Lino, I love this gift but..."

"It's if dad's trying to buy your love with gifts." Minho completed his brother's sentence. Anyone could see it from a mile away. Their father was always like that. Also being secretive of the work he and Mr. Bang were involved with.

Felix walked up to his Porche and removed the giant ribbon on top. He opened the door and sat down. It was surprisingly spacious with the latest accessories including t.v. monitors on the back for backseat passengers.

Minho approached Felix from the drivers side. "You know," Minho began "I can think of something you can do with your new gift. Maybe you and Hyunjin can go on a date, just the 2 of you."

Felix blushed a little "Oh I see," he says "so that you and Jisung can go on a date by yourselves?"

Now it was Minho's turn to blush, as Felix figured out his plan. "Well," he says "I don't see why not. You 2 clearly like each other. And like you said, he makes you feel special. He seems to be the kind who would take a bullet for you without thinking twice."

"Maybe we can have a double date." says Felix "Afterwards, we go separately somewhere to spend a little quality time alone."

"That sounds like a plan." Minho says "Well let's get going then. I'm sure Hyunjin's gonna love your new ride."

"I think he's more of a simple guy Lino." says Felix "He probably won't care what I drive as long as we get to spend time together."

The 2 brothers got in their cars and headed off to Changbin's place.

At Changbin's Hyunjin and Jisung were laying down in bed playing games on their phones when they hear a knock on the door. "Was Binnie expecting someone?" Jisung asks Hyunjin.

"I don't think so." Hyunjin says "And I know we're not." Hyunjin got out of bed and looked thru the peephole. "Hey it's Minho and Felix!" Hyunjin opens the door.

"Hi," says Minho waving "may we come in?"

Jisung's face was adorned with a huge smile. "Of course you can!" he says excitedly, getting up of the bed. He rushed towards Minho giving him a big hug.

"Hi squirrel." Minho says, planting a peck on Jisung's cheek afterwards. Jisung blushes hard.

"Not in front of everyone!" Jisung says turning his head away bashfully.

"You're just too cute not to kiss squirrel." says Minho, planting another peck, this time on Jisung's other cheek.

"Hi Hyunjin." Felix says, giving Hyunjin a hug.

"Hi my angel." says Hyunjin with a big smile on his face. "What brings you here today?"

Felix slightly pulls away from the hug. "Well. I have a surprise to show you." says Felix.

"A surprise?" Jisung asks "What is it?"

"If he told us it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?' Hyunjin says sarcastically, making Jisung stick out his tongue at him.

"Have you 2 eaten yet?" Minho asks.

"We had some breakfast this morning, but not much else." says Hyunjin.

"I'm starving!" Jisung says, rubbing his stomach.

"Ji, you're always starving." says Hyunjin "You're gonna make them think we have no food here."

"Well there's 4 of us and 1 tiny fridge, so do the math." Jisung says, causing Hyunjin to roll his eyes.

"I was thinking we all grab lunch," says Minho "our treat."

"Really?" says Jisung "What are we waiting for, let's go!" Hyunjin gives Jisung one those looks that says "behave yourself and don't overdo it" causing Jisung to roll his eyes.

"Alright," says Hyunjin "it's a date then."

"Don't you mean double date?" says Jisung.

"You read our minds squirrel." says Minho "Me and Lix were talking about us having a double date, so it's perfect."

"Let's grab our stuff Ji." Hyunjin says, taking his wallet and keys.

"Alright, food!" Jisung says. And with that the boys head outside to show Hyunjin and Jisung their surprise.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now