Chapter 24

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It was the day of Jisung's birthday. All the boys were still sleeping when suddenly, they heard a very loud alarm go off. Everyone nearly jumped out of their skin.

"Shit!" Chan and Changbin said in unison.

"What's going on?!" said Jeongin.

Everyone else screamed or gasped at being startled by the loud noise. They all got out of bed and traced the source of the noise, straight to Minho and Jisung's room.

Chan opened the door and saw Minho fiddling with his phone trying to turn the alarm off. "Minho, what the hell?!" he said "Are you trying to give us all heart attacks?"

"I'm sorry!" Minho said, finally turning the alarm off. "I was wanting us to get up early today, but must've had the volume a little too loud."

"A little?!" Seungmin said "We thought it was the end of the world!"

"Ok, everyone just calm down." said Chan. "Let's just get ready for the day." Everyone started to head back to their respective rooms, except for Hyunjin and Felix who were just getting out of theirs.

"It's ok Lix, false alarm." said Seungmin, waving his hand in the air. "Minho had the volume on his phone to 'let's make everyone deaf' mode."

"Lino!" Felix said, face-palming himself.

"Sorry Lix!" Minho said from his room. "We're all gonna get ready to head out. It's gonna be an eating out all day thing. Hurry up and get ready!"

"Yeah, yeah." said Felix.

"Well that's one way to start off the day." Hyunjin scoffs. "Come on Lix, let's get ready." Hyunjin takes Felix by the hand and leads them back into their room.

The boys all get dressed and head out, skipping breakfast since they'll be eating out all day. They first had breakfast at local coffee shop which also sold lots of breakfast foods as well. Felix wasn't a huge fan of coffee, so he got orange juice instead. They had their fill of bagels, muffins and other breakfast sandwiches. Overall, it was a good start to the day.

"Man that place was amazing!" Jisung said. "I never knew there were so many different kinds of bagels and muffins!"

"I'm glad you liked it squirrel." Minho said. He was happy the day was starting off strong. He couldn't wait to give Jisung his birthday present.

"We've never eaten there before." Hyunjin said. "I'm glad you guys picked this place. It was really good."

"We sometimes have breakfast here when we don't feel like eating at home." Felix said. "This place never disappoints."

They were all walking through the plaza, chatting about anything and everything, all while holding hands with their respective partners. Except for Chan and Changbin, though they were pretty close together, engaged in their own conversation.

After I while of chatting it was time for lunch, so they decided to go to new wave sushi bar. It had a conveyer belt with all types of sushi going all around the bar, all in different colored plates.

"Wow! I've always wanted to go to a place this!" Jisung said excitedly. "So much to choose from."

"Help yourself to whatever you want squirrel." Minho said. "It's your day."

Jisung looked over at Hyunjin, expecting to get one of his looks again, but he insisted smiled. "Hey, you heard your boyfriend, indulge." Hyunjin said.

"Awww such a sweet big brother." Felix teased. Hyunjin getting slightly red.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with going a little crazy every now and then." said Hyunjin. "Just don't make a habit of it." he says while looking at his brother.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now