Chapter 21

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Felix joined the others at the table, sitting next to Hyunjin. As they all ate and chatted about everything and anything that came to mind, the timer went off. "Oh, cookies are done!" said Felix, as he went to the kitchen and put on a baking mitten.

As soon as took them out he was hit with a pleasant aroma of chocolate chips in the air. The other boys smelled it as well. "That smells delicious!" Jisung said excitedly. "I bet they taste just as good."

"You have no idea squirrel." Minho said with a smile. Minho always loved Felix's baked goods, especially his brownies.

After putting all of the cookies on a plate, he brought them over to the table. "I hope you like them." Felix said. He already knew Minho, Chan and Seungmin would love them. He was concerned what the others would think, especially Hyunjin.

They all took a cookie each, and as Felix thought, his friends loved them. "Man you are a master baker Lix!" Chan said.

"Mmhmm!" Seungmin said, his mouth full of cookie.

Jisung took a bite and his eyes immediately widened. "Oh my God, these are so good!" he said "Jinnie you have to try it!" As Jisung was saying this. Hyunjin was already taking a bite.

As he was savoring it, his eyes went wide too. "Felix!" he said "They're amazing! Are you sure you're not a professional baker?"

"No, I'm not." Felix said, putting his hands to his cheeks to try and cover the redness. "I just really like to bake."

"You don't have to feel embarrassed Felix." said Changbin "These are really good."

"Yeah," said Jeongin "These are the best cookies I've ever had."

Happy tears were starting to form in Felix's eyes as he hurriedly wiped them away. "Awww don't cry my angel." Hyunjin said wiping away another tear that fell. "C'mere." Hyunjin pulled Felix into a hug, kissing his forehead in the process. "You're such an amazing person Lixie, I want you to know that."

Hearing those words made Felix's heart swell with happiness. Hyunjin is so special to him. He made him feel comfortable in his own skin, he loves his baking, he loves everything about him. "Thank you Hyunnie!" he said "You have no idea how good that makes me feel!"

Minho's eyes start to tear up at the beautiful sight. Felix notices this. "Are you crying Hyun?" he asks.

"N-no." said Minho "I just got something in my eye."

"Yeah right." said Chan "That's a tired old excuse."

"Shut up Chan." Minho said with a smirk. The boys ate the rest of the food and the delicious cookies, all the while joking around and enjoying the atmosphere.

After they cleaned up and washed the dishes they sat down and watched BL dramas until they were ready to call it a night.

Hyunjin and Felix were the first to excuse themselves. Minho and Jisung not far afterwards.

In Hyunjin and Felix's room, Hyunjin was the first to shower followed by Felix. As Hyunjin was waiting for Felix to finish, he was lying in bed playing games on his phone. When Felix came out of the bathroom, Hyunjin was surprised when he saw Felix's pajamas, they looked very high class.

 When Felix came out of the bathroom, Hyunjin was surprised when he saw Felix's pajamas, they looked very high class

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"That's the most expensive-looking pajamas I've ever seen." Hyunjin said as he looked down at his sleep shorts and black long sleeve shirt. "I feel so underdressed."

"What this old thing" Felix said looking down at his pajamas. "I've had these forever."

"Old?" said Hyunjin "They look like they came straight out of the package. They even smell new."

"Would you prefer I take them off?" Felix said, as he began unbuttoning his top. This caused Hyunjin's eyes to widen. When Felix noticed this he quickly buttons it back up. "Just kidding."

Hyunjin sighs in relief. He didn't want things to escalate that fast yet. "You're such a tease Lix." he says.

"Don't pretend like you don't like it." Felix said with a wide grin.

Hyunjin did like it. He likes Felix a lot. But at the same time he doesn't want to rush things. "Come on Lixie," Hyunjin said as he opened up the blanket "let's get to bed now. Tomorrow is gonna be a big day. As well as the following day."

Felix crawls into bed and lays next to Hyunjin, throwing his arm around his chest and wrapping his leg in between Hyunjin's so they're interlocked. Hyunjin then wraps his arms around Felix. The warmth between them just feels so right. It feels like heaven.

"Good night Hyunnie." Felix says, looking up at his boyfriend. Hyunjin softly kisses Felix lips, a very meaningful kiss that shows how much they love each other.

"Good night angel." Hyunjin says, kissing Felix's forehead. And with that, the 2 fall asleep.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now