Chapter 1 - The move to Foster care

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Willow had been playing outside, when she was called in by her father Sam. She ran inside, and was greeted by Rhodey, and the department of Social services. "Mamma," Willow inquired, "it's okay Willow,' Opal reassured. Then Rhodey spoke, "Willow are you comfortable coming with us," "yes-but why?" "Willow," it was Sam, "honey it's hard for us to take proper care of you." "So I'm leaving," Willow had tears in her eyes, as did Opal, "sweetie it'll be alright you'll find a home where they can take care of you." A few hours later, and they arrived at the foster home, when they arrived, a agent was waiting with her foster parents. Becky, and will Allen had been informed that she had been removed that day, and was still upset about it. So when they saw her, they didn't pressure her into talking, when the agents left, it was just Becky, Will, and Willow. Once Willow was inside, and settled, she started opening up, she gave Becky her medication, and Becky put it in a safe place. That's when Willow heard barking, "you have a dog," she asked, "yes," Will replied. "I had a dog to," there was silence for about 2 minutes then, "YOU HAVE A LAB?" Will, and Becky laughed as Willow started playing with the dog, Macy. A few months later, and Willow was thriving in the foster home, that day was a meeting with the agency. When the agent, and Rhodey arrived, Becky called Willow inside, and sat down with her. "Hello Willow," the agent said, "Hi," Willow responded, "Are you still doing okay in the home?" Willow nodded, and 10 minutes later the Agent left with Rhodey. Then Willow finished school, and then she went with Becky to take Macy on a walk. Macy, and Willow had a special bond, it seemed as if Macy knew Willow had severe mental health issues. As they were walking back home, Willow was walking next to Macy on the inside, near the sidewalk, when they heard sirens, and "that's her - that's the girl." Becky, Macy, and Willow all turned around to see a police officer with a women. "Ma'am are you sure,'' it was a officer who knows about Willows case. The woman puffed up, "yes I'm sure - I have the proof,' at this point Willow was starting to get scared, and holding Macys collar tightly. The officer knew it wasn't Willow so said, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, I can't help you," got into his squad car, and left. Before anyone can say anything, Willow ran all the way back to the house, and slammed the door shut. The event traumatized Willow, and Becky knew it wouldn't be long until the police would be questioning Willow. A few days later, and Willow was sitting doing school, when there was a knock on the door. Becky answered it. It was the police, "hello may we speak with Willow," "yes you can," Becky said They came in, and Becky told willow to Stop doing school. When willow saw the police she was confused. 'hello, are you willow?" "Yes," Willow answered, the officers sat down, "so willow, where were you last week?" "I was with my foster mommy, and daddy they took me to the zoo," "What did you do at the zoo," "I saw a lot of animals, there was also a shooting, that scared me a lot." "Did you see who shot the gun," Willow shook her head, "We left right when the police got there." "Well, willow do you - are you aware that someone thought it was you?" This scared Willow, "WHAT, it wasn't me, I swear," The officers left for 2 minutes, then returned with a JDC officer, who handcuffed Willow, and led her away.

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