Chapter II

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Upon opening the door, I was immediately consumed by an overwhelming darkness that sent shivers down my spine. In a panic, I turned around to find that the door had vanished into thin air, leaving me stranded in an empty void with no discernible path to follow. As I cautiously took a step forward into the enveloping darkness, the sound of my footsteps reverberated off the walls, creating an eerie echo that seemed to stretch on for an eternity..,As I delved deeper into the obscurity of the night, an icy shiver traveled down my spine, sending my nerves into a frenzy. In a moment that took me by surprise, my eyes caught sight of a beast lurking in the distance. It had a thick coat of black fur that seemed to absorb all light, making it difficult to discern any further details. However, one thing was clear: this creature was tall and imposing, its formidable stature impossible to ignore. Its teeth were sharp, glinting in the dim light, and its eyes shone with an otherworldly intensity, almost as if they were lit from within. As I watched, a small trickle of blood dripped from the monster's mouth, leaving me with a sense of unease and foreboding.

At first, doubt and disbelief overwhelmed me as I witnessed the dark shadow quickly approaching me.,  I turned and hurried away as quickly as my legs could carry me. As I hurried along, my pulse quickened and the noise became more distinct, drawing nearer. While running, I spotted a closing blue portal, It was emitting an unmistakable blue aura. I hurried into the portal, just in time before that creature could capture me...
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