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"Conversations really are the best after 3am. The heavier the eyelids, the sincerer the words and silence is not awkward, it's shared."

- Dau Voire

Angelo's POV

"The security here is something else" The angel sitting at my desk spoke out.

"What makes you say that?" I asked her, now looking up from the laptop.

As soon as we got here, Nina demanded that her and I should take a shot. With me not being able to tell her no, I agreed. I showed her around and introduced her to some of the workers. She now seemed more relaxed and basically took over my office.

If one shot is all it takes for her to open up to me more, then I don't mind take as many as she wants.

I like how close we're getting with one another... but I know that Luca wants to be here as well.

"For starters, the security guards here look scary as hell. I thought the man out there was gonna eat me!" She explained while leaning back into the seat.

I couldn't help but laugh at her words, "Well when comparing them to the ones you have back at the building, I can understand. On some nights, we have people who try testing my patience. So I have to be prepared for the worst" I told her.

She then hummed in response before getting up, walking towards me. I raised an eyebrow as she now stood in front of me.

"You asked me about poly relationships last night. I want to know more. How would it even work?" She then asked, catching me off guard.

Was she actually thinking about giving us a shot?

"Well... it's pretty much like a normal relationship. Besides it not just being between two people. There would be no favoritism" I spoke out, not really knowing what else to say.

"But wouldn't that be... weird? People would look at us differently-" She began.

"Who cares about what they think? As long as you're happy, it shouldn't matter" Luca stated after shutting the door behind him.

I didn't tell her that I told my brother about me bringing her here. I knew that he'd show up. I watched in silence as he neared us, now standing in front of her.

"Mr. Bianchi... you're my boss and he's your brother. That would be wrong" She muttered out before taking a few steps back.

"I chose you to be my assistant because I know that you're qualified. This wouldn't change any of that and I wouldn't treat you differently" Luca replied back. I could tell that he was struggling with what to say to her. He's always been the type to hide his feelings.

"I know that it seems weird, but we both care about you Nina. We want to be with you. But if it's something you don't want, we completely understand. This is your choice" I told her.

It was silent for a while before her phone began to ring, "Hailey? Is everything alright... okay, I'll be there soon" She soon spoke out before backing away towards the door.

Who's Hailey?

"I'm sorry... but I have to go" She explained, her hand now on the doorknob.

"Is everything alright? I can take you-" I began as I stood. She was quick to shake her head, giving us a small smile.

"It's okay, really. I'll just take a Uber" Was all she said before exiting the room.

My Boss & His Brother |18+|Where stories live. Discover now