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"If you don't risk anything, you risk even more."

— Erica Jong

Angelo's POV

"When's the next shipment supposed to be delivered?" I asked Marco as I skimmed through my email.

There's one set for tomorrow at noon. But I got some bad news" He replied back.

"I'm listening"

"Last night's delivery went as planned, but not all of it was there" He said, my eyes now on him.

"What do you mean all of it wasn't there?" I sighed out.

"They counted it and the grams wasn't adding up. I counted for myself and got the same amount. I'm positive that one of his boys must of took some before we collected it" Marco explained before the door opened, revealing my brother.


I then pulled out a file from the cabinet, opening it before sliding it over to Marco. "Ryan Jones. Find him and bring him to me, he's apart of their group. If anyone knows where the rest of it is, it's him" I explained as Luca now stood next to Marco.

If someone were stupid enough to steal from me, it had to be him.

"Okay... but you know how hard it is to track this guy" Marco reminded me.

"I've seen this guy before... back when I went with Nina to her mom's place" Luca muttered out.

"What?" Both Marco and I said.

"Yeah... he seemed off. Both him and her mom, it was like they were on something" He replied back.

I looked at the picture of Ryan before eyeing my brother. "I don't know why her mom would be associated with someone like him, but that's not good. He has a target on his head and if she's spotted with him, she's as good as dead" I explained before my mind wandered off to Nina and how she would feel.

"Do you remember the address?" I then asked, Luca nodded his head before writing on a piece of paper, handing it to Marco.

"Alright, what do you want us to do if she's there?" He then asked, referring to Nina's mom.

"She can stay there. If any of his enemies knew of his whereabouts, then they would've been did something about it. But I want you to bring Ryan here alive. I don't care how long it takes, just be sure to inform me" I told him, watching as he left the room.

"Out of all people... why Nina's mom?" I muttered out to myself before running a hand over my face. I've been nothing but stressed lately.

Luca then sat on the chair in front of my desk, "That's actually why I'm here. I wanted to talk to you about Nina" He spoke out.

"Is something wrong with her?" I asked as I closed my laptop.

"No, she's alright. I dropped her off at her place... it's about what her ex told me that day" He began.

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