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"A woman with a beautiful body is good for a night, but a woman with a beautiful mind is good for a lifetime."

- unknown

Nina's POV

After the party was finally over, Luca led me back to the car and soon drove off. He didn't tell me where we were going, only that it was a nice restaurant and that Angelo should be on the way there as well.

It took us about fifteen minutes before we arrived. As before, Luca opened the door for me and helped me out. Luca kept his hand on the exposed part of my back as we made it inside.

"Mr. Bianchi! It's good to see you again" A man who looked to be the manager greeted.

"It's good to see you too Sam" Luca replied back.

The man named Sam looked at me before smiling, "Right this way" He then led us upstairs and I saw that no other customers were here.

As we neared a booth I noticed Angelo who was standing in front of one of the tables, talking with someone on the phone. I couldn't help but gawk at him. This was my first time seeing him in a suit... and it sure was a sight. He also had his hair neatly styled.

He soon noticed us and quickly ended the call with whoever was on the other end. Luca told Sam about the drinks to bring while I neared the booth.

Angelo had his arms out and I smiled, hugging him. He held onto me tightly before stepping back to take in my appearance.

"Damn... you're so sexy. I want to rip this dress off-" He began before I covered his mouth.

Still blunt as ever.

After a few moments I removed my hand and rolled my eyes as I saw the big smile on his face. He was like a child... I couldn't help but find it cute.

I then took a seat on one side of the booth as Luca came towards us. Just as Angelo was about to sit next to me, Luca stopped him.

"I'm sitting beside Nina" He stated.

Oh boy.

"What? You've been around her all day. I'm sitting next to her" Angelo shot back.

The two were now looking as if they were about to go at each other's throats. I quickly got up and grabbed Angelo's arm, making him sit down before I sat next to him.

I then patted the empty space on my left, "Come on and sit down" I told him. Luca looked at me for a while before sitting.

They're lucky these booths are big enough to fit us all on one side. Otherwise, I would have made them sit together.

"You two are such big babies" I stated before I felt Angelo's hand caressing my exposed thigh, Luca chuckling at my response.

I had to control my breathing as Sam came back with two bottles of wine, "Your food will arrive shortly" He informed us before leaving.

Luca poured some wine in both of our glasses while Angelo continued to tease me. He knew how he made me feel.

Luca was quick to down his glass before grabbing ahold of my chin, his face now inches away from mine.

"I want to kiss you" He told me. I felt as butterflies began to swarm in my stomach from the tone of his voice.

I then leaned forward and he took that as a sign to seal our lips. Just as I imagined, he lips were incredibly soft. Unlike Angelo, he kissed me with more gentleness.

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