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"Turn the pain into power."

- unknown

Angelo's POV

The party was packed.

Most of the people here were either drinking or smoking as they conversed. I could tell Nina didn't enjoy the smell of the smoke as she scrunched up her nose in disgust.

The three of us made it to the living room area of the house and I began to look for Diamanté. It only took me a moment to find him with two girls clinging onto his frame. Of course.

When he noticed that I was looking at him, a smile formed on his face.

"Angelo! I was starting to worry you wouldn't show up" He stated before saying something to the women, the two excusing themselves.

"Was the pat down up front really necessary? You already have a shitload of guards inside and out" I pointed out.

He chuckled before taking a sip of his drink, "If I were normal person then no. But I have several enemies Angelo, you never know who may try to sneak up and stab you in the back. Don't you worry though, they will return your gun when you leave" He explained before looking next to me, at Nina. I watched as a big smile formed on his lips.

"Oh my... you really do look just like her" I heard him mutter out.

Who the hell was he talking about?

"And you must be Luca Bianchi. I've been waiting to meet you as well. You're quite the catch these days. Congratulations on your latest project" Diamanté stated.

"Thanks" Was all Luca said, looking a bit confused.

After a while he clapped his hands together and said for us to follow him, "I rented this house out from a friend. But we should have enough privacy in here" He explained as we walked in an isolated room.

I should've known that this wasn't his home.

When it comes down to Diamanté, nobody really knows who he is or if he even has relatives here. He likes to keep his personal life private and only tells you what he wants you to know. That's another reason why people fear him.

If no one is able to find out about his loved ones, then they have no leverage to gain over him. Both Marco and I have done our own research, trying to find ways to corner him. But we would always hit a dead end. For all we know, Diamanté could just be a name to hide his true identity.

"How's your mom doing Nina?" He suddenly asked as we all sat down. I looked over at Nina who looked surprised by his question.

"She's um... doing alright" She replied back. I couldn't tell is this was just his way of striking conversation or if he was just interested in her family.

He then hummed in response before leaning forward, "And how about your sister, Hailey was it?" He mentioned.

"I don't think that's any of your business" Nina stated clearly, now looking upset.

"What are you trying to get at Diamanté? If you think threatening her family will do you any good then-" I began before he raised his hand.

"Then what Angelo? You're going to kill me?" He asked before laughing loudly.

"You and I both know you're not that dumb. I'm sure you know that most of your contributors happen to be people who I'm very much acquainted with. So just imagine how things would turn out if they found out you killed me. Not only would your business suffer drastically, but all of your lives including the rest of your family would be a risk" He explained with a smug expression on his face.

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