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"You can't hurt a overthinker person because they already seen it coming."

- unknown

Angelo's POV

I was in the middle of making breakfast when the sound of my phone going off distracted me. From hearing the sound, I knew it was Nina. A while ago, I made it so a different sound would be played whenever Nina texted or called me.

I checked my phone to see that she sent me a text message. Just as I opened it, I nearly dropped the phone on the ground.

It was a picture of Nina posing with my T-shirt I snuck in her bag before they left. She was practically glowing!

I found myself staring at the picture longer than I expected before I thought of something to say back, someone suddenly knocked on the front door.

It's been about a week since Nina and Luca went off to New Jersey. I haven't been able to talk to Nina as much, with them being busy and all.

Just last night, I reached over the other side of my bed to grab Nina... and grabbed my pillow instead. To say that I had it down bad for her would be an understatement.

As I reached the door and looked through the peephole, I saw that it was Danielle.

I quickly pulled the door open and looked at her in disbelief. We'd been looking for her over this past month, and she just so happens to show up on my doorstep?

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked her as she walked past me, heading into the kitchen.

I sighed out loudly before closing the door, heading back to the kitchen as well.

"Is that an omelette? It looks good" She pointed out before grabbing the plate without asking.

Good thing I made two...

She then pointed the fork at me, motioning for me to sit down.

"To answer your question, I was tending to my family" She answering simply.

I then looked at her in confusion, "Family?" I asked, watching as she nodded her head before taking a bite.

"You and your brother aren't the only children I have. I also have a daughter, she's eleven years old" She explained as if it was no big deal. 


"When were you going to tell us we had a sister, better yet Luca-" I began.

"It wasn't something I planned really... she's not Sandro's child if that's what you're wondering. Besides, Carla didn't give me much of a choice" She stated.

"How does my mom have anything to do with this?" I asked her.

She then looked at me for a while before answering, "That day Carla and your father went off on me, I was pissed and so I left. But I was planning on coming back, she had other plans however. Your mother demanded that I stay away from the two of you. She made it clear she didn't want me anywhere near Luca, my own son. She even threw money my way to ensure I would agree" She explained.

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