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"Opportunities don't happen, you create them"

- Chris Grosser


Nina's POV

"Willow please put your hand down" The teacher said for the fifth time.

"Mrs. Flowers, I just don't understand why Nina and I can't work on this project together-" She began.

"I will not allow you to keep interrupting my class Willow, otherwise you will find yourself in the front office. The groups have already been decided, just get the assignment done" Mrs. Flowers replied back before continuing with the lecture.

A sigh came from Willow before she relaxed in her seat, a few of our classmates looking at her. "Just give it up Willow. We work together majority of the time. This will be fine" I reassured her.

She then scoffed, "Yeah right. You're only saying that because she didn't pair you with nose picking Brody. Why me? I'm telling you Nina, that lady has it out for me" She whispered out while eyeing our teacher.

I then felt as my phone buzzed and reached in my pocket, seeing that it was Bryson. I couldn't help but smile when I saw that he wanted to go somewhere after school.

Bryson and I have been dating for about six months now. He's very sweet and I love him.

"Ugh, please don't tell me it's that excuse of a boyfriend you're smiling about" Willow muttered out before attempting to look at the screen.

"Bryson is really sweet Willow, I think you two would get along if you'd just be nice to him. He wants to go somewhere after school" I said, watching as she quickly shook her head.

"No, no, and no. He's anything but sweet, I don't trust him Nina. Bryson's the most popular guy in school. I'm not saying you're ugly or anything, because you're far from it. But just think about it Nina.

We've had plenty of classes with that guy. He never tried talking to you, but suddenly he's interested and wants to date you? Do you not find that weird? And didn't you say he wasn't that good in bed-" She began before I covered her mouth.

"We're still in class genius" I reminded her before removing my hand. "And I didn't say that"

She then rolled her eyes, "Oh right, my bad. You said that even though it was your first time, you didn't have a chance to cum because he finished too early" She whispered. I playfully slapped her arm before focusing back on our teacher.

Hopefully no one heard our conversation...

It wasn't too long before class ended, and my parter and I discussed the roles we'd like for the project. Willow practically dragged me out of the classroom.

"Shouldn't you and Brody discuss the roles?" I teased, laughing as she looked at me with a deadpan expression on her face.

"I'm suppose to be meeting with Bryson at his locker" I then told her, a big sigh coming from her before we stopped in the hallway.

"I wish I just knew what you see in that dude... or men in general" I heard her mutter out as we turned the corner.

I was about to call out his name when I saw him, but stopped when I saw his arm that was wrapped around a girl's waist. There were a few of his friends next to him, laughing about something. The closer I looked, I realized that the girl was Lola.

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